
Thursday, May 8, 2014


Life has many ups and downs, and at times, can be tiring. 

Whenever I find myself tired, the deep kind of tired, I remind myself of this beautiful verse. Lindsey is actually the first person to point this verse out to me, and I have loved it ever since:  

"About Benjamin He said: 'Let the beloved of the Lord rest secure in Him, for He shields him all day long, and the one the Lord loves, rests between His shoulders.'" 
Deuteronomy 33:12 

I know it's written about the tribe of Benjamin, but I always read it like it's written to me. I get to rest securely in Him and He shields me all day long. When I'm tired, I get to rest between His shoulders. 

Isn't that reassuring? 

If today is a tired day, I hope this verse encourages you! 

Rest. It's a good thing. 

Much love, 
xo The Attic 

ps. image via Pinterest. 

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