
Friday, May 9, 2014

Morning Beverage

Adventures Should Start With Coffee

Adventures... whether by road trip, plane ride, or a walk around the block, seem to start better with coffee. 

Really, I think every day starts better with coffee. But everyday has the potential for adventure, so it totally makes sense, right? 

I am however, a bit particular about my coffee. I can drink it black, I occassionally will order a latte, but what I really want is an americano. But not just any kind of americano. 

Recipe for Lynn-Holly's Perfect Americano:

  • 2 shots espresso 
  • hot water
  • 2 pumps of toffeenut (hazelnut or vanilla will do
  • and a very, very small splash of heavy whipping cream

So good. It's like perfection in a cup. It's not too heavy like a latte can be, or too bitter like black coffee, or a straight americano can be. It's interesting, rich, and delicious. (and if you are what you eat/drink... those aren't bad things to be. Just saying.

Starbucks makes my version of an americano perfectly. In fact, the baristas know me and my drink very well now. Although, they know me as "Holly." The double name just seemed like too much to write on a cup. 

But I don't always get my drink from Starbucks... that would be pricey. 

These perfect americanos can be made with my Nespresso machine too! Jon, my wonderful husband (sorry if you get sick of me talking about how awesome he is all the time, but I can't help it.) often makes me my drink in the morning. And he doesn't even like coffee (I know. It's amazing he's made it this far in life.) he just makes it for me. 

My favorite drink is even good iced! Which is great since it's heating up outside. Yippee!

If you ever try the drink, let me know. I'm sure your heart will be won over. 

Much love, 
xo The Attic 

ps. first picture was a pin on Pinterest via this tumbler.

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