
Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Where I've Been

Life, Lately

Well hello long lost friends!

Just so you know, I haven't forgotten you. I just decided that blogging is a waste of time and I should abandon the project.

April's Fools. (I know. I know. I'm a little late. But I'm late often, so what's new? Right?) 

March was just a really busy month! 

Busy doing what you may ask?

Well, a lot of things. I read some books, experimented with some new meals, (uh two words: spaghetti squash. It's awesome. How did I not know that?) worked out and hung out. But there were three big things that dominated my time:

I coordinated OKWU's latest alumni magazine- The Tower. This issue was about the connection between faith and work, exploring the concept of integration, rather than separation. I had the chance to talk to some amazing alumni and share their stories. It was a big project, but I got to talk to some amazing people, which definitely made it enjoyable. If you'd like to check it out, click HERE.

I got to travel with Jon and 100+ other people to Colorado for the K-Life ski trip over Spring break.

 It was awesome. Eventful... not so much a restful vacation, but really, really fun. I mean there were quirks, as you'd expect when traveling with that many people: not enough seats on the bus, (I sat on a duffle bag and just laid out in the aisle. #classy) room assignment confusion, almost zero water pressure, and a few kids affected with altitude sickness... but overall it was an awesome trip.

Snowboarding was super fun! It came back way better than I thought it would. It's been a while, but I think longboarding helped.

I ran K-Life's Run the Ville- it's a 10K! I've run a half marathon before, (my senior year of college my roommate Amy and I ran the Bearathon) but it's been a while. And my time was none too fast. I did about 10: 30 minute miles on average. Which isn't bad... but it's not amazing either. My goal for the half marathon and for the 10k was just to finish. In fact, just to make sure I could do it, I ran 6.2 miles the weekend before the 10K. I did it, and my time was about the same as the half marathon- 10:30 minute miles. 

So imagine my surprise when I did better than just finish... I beat my previous time by a lot! I ran an average of 9:30 minute miles and I finished fourth in my age group! This might be due to the fact that it was a smaller race- but I was still stoked! I think that's the best I've ever done. Just 56 seconds away from a medal. 

Judging by the pictures taken at the finish line, I was working pretty hard. I am not a pretty runner. At all. In case you need to feel superior about something, feel superior about the fact that you do not look like me when I run. Want to see? 

What are my arms doing? And my face??

Anyway, all that to say.... Sorry life got busy and so blogging just didn't happen. 

And life is going to continue to be busy for the next couple months... there are some potentially some big life changes on the horizon... but I will try to be better about posting consistently! I miss it. I still think in terms of blog posts sometimes. (Is that weird? Or think in terms of tweets. Anyone else have 140 character thoughts?) 

I love you, dear readers. Thanks for sticking with me through the craziness! 

Much love, 
xo The Attic 

SIDENOTE: If you'd like to hear my witty 140 character thoughts and stay updated more frequently, follow me on Twitter! @Lynnhollyfisher. Love ya. Glad we're friends. 


  1. How cool that you work for OKWU! I go to OU, so it sounds like we're pretty close! (:

    1. Ahh Madison! I totally missed this comment. How do you like OU? I worked at Kanakuk with several girls who went there and loved it!
      xx- Lynn-Holly
