
Thursday, April 10, 2014


Good Morning! 

As many of you know, I am not a peppy morning person, but for some reason, I just woke up happy this morning! 

I credit this to A. having a great time with my husband and friends last night. B. getting sweet sleep. (you know, the deep kind.) C. the spring sunshine. D. the grace of God. 

(I haven't really been getting quite enough sleep as of late, so it really is such a grace that I woke up energized.

And seriously, spring is my favorite season!  I just love it. Everything is blooming, and the sun is shining. The campus where I work is looking fabulous. Seriously, in the springtime, it looks like she put on her best dress just to show off. 

Yes. That is where I get to work. My office is just peaking out of the upper left hand corner. Gorgeous, huh? 

No wonder I'm in such a good mood! 

Ahh spring. Now all I need is tan to go with my lovely spring dresses! Really. I am SO pale right now... It's a struggle. Do I wear the dresses and just embrace the super whiteness? What do you do? Do you go tanning? I used to tan in high school, but now, honestly, tanning beds make me a little nervous. (You know, the whole skin cancer thing.) And I'd love to lay out, but I work right during peak layout hours. So.... where does that leave me? Self tanner? That brings on another set of problems. What if it smells bad? Or what if I'm streaky?! Eeek. I think I'll just be pale, and cross my fingers that the sun shines on me when I go running after work. 

Currently, I have lots of easy, spring throw-on dresses on my wish list- including this one from Madewell. 

Isn't the eyelet lovely? And drop waist dresses with pockets are awesome. They just are. They perfectly disguise the fact that maybe I ate a little too much fro-yo earlier in the day... But before I even think about buying this dress, I need to do something about my paleness! Darn. 

I hope your spring is off to a great start too! 

Also, reading this verse this morning got my day off to a wonderful start, and I think it's a great one to remember: 

"Now that you have purified yourselves by obeying the truth so that you have sincere love for each other, love one another deeply, from the heart." 1 Peter 1:22 

Love one another deeply. What a great reminder. Sometimes I get caught up in going through the motions that I forget to be intentional about this. Really, the whole chapter of 1 Peter is great, definitely worth checking out. 

Spring + Sunshine + Dresses + Love 

Much Love, 
xo The Attic 


  1. Embrace the whiteness! Tanning is overrated :) #weartheprettydresses ...and your office is amazing.

    1. Haha. I think you're right! I'm just going to have to embrace it... because dresses are my spring uniform, and I'm not willing to sacrifice them because of my paleness.

      And yes, it is amazing. It makes me happy to come to work! Although, this spring weather does tempt me to abandon my office and bring my computer outside...
