
Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Because Mornings are Tough

The Best Thermos Ever for Holding Your Sweet Nectar of the gods 

In my college days, I regularly existed in the Venti-Trenta world... Now I am much better at actually getting sleep, partly due to the fact that I basically traded my ability to stay up extraordinarily late for a diploma. Seriously, post-graduation, if I am up after 11:00 pm, I am deeply sad. That does not mean that I am always in bed by then, though, in fact, I often go to bed later than I mean to. Which means that while I do not drink coffee in quite as epic proportions, (which is better for hydration, my kidneys, headaches, over all health, etc.) I still drink coffee. 

Take last night, or the night before, or the night before that for example. I just haven't gotten quite enough sleep recently. This morning I was so tired, I felt like I was in serious danger of face-planting on my keyboard. 


Last week, my amazing husband got me a Your Blog Won An Award Prize, and it's awesome. (Can I just say again, how affirming that award is? Someone is actually reading this!... sometimes.) 

He got me a Zojirushi Thermos. If you haven't heard of them, don't worry, I hadn't either. But prepare for your world to be rocked. 

My sister-in-law Sara asked for a thermos for Christmas, and Jon, the amazing man that he is, did tons of research to find THE BEST THERMOS EVER. He was successful. 

This thermos keeps my coffee hot all day long. Seriously. It is almost too hot. If I need to gulp down large quanitites of caffine in order to function (like today) I keep it in the thermos, but pour a little bit at a time into a mug so it can cool off. 

It keeps Sara's coffee hot in Michigan, even when it is below 0 degrees and she's walking a mile to class. (How do you Northerners survive that?) 

It also keeps drinks cool. This will be great for the summer when temps are ridiculously high and everyone feels like they're melting into puddles on the pavement. The top even comes off nicely for ice cubes. 

This thermos beats every thermos I have bought at Starbucks, (sorry Starbs... I still love your coffee! Although... Starbucks does have these super cute thermoses that you can write on. I've always love the idea of that.) Target, etc. 

I cannot speak highly enough of this magical thermos. It might be the coffee talking, but I think I'm in love. 


And then we can all talk about how much we love them. 

I hope your week is off to a great start! 

Much Love,
xo The Attic 


  1. This sounds like a magical invention and like something that I make some use of! Haha!


    1. Yes!! You should! Just in time for finals... It really is perfect. It doesn't even leak. Ever. I literally just toss it in my bag and it doesn't leak on anything. (which is nice since my computer is in there too. Kinda risky, but it hasn't seemed to matter!)
      xx- Lynn-Holly
