
Friday, April 25, 2014

Weekend Reading

What Do You Like to Read? 

I start most days with coffee and the Wall Street Journal, which covers a wide variety of topics. It's my favorite place to get my news. Really, it's just a quality paper. I read other papers too, and check a variety of news sources to make sure I'm getting a well-rounded opinion... but I always end up coming back to the WSJ. 

I think this habit stems from my father's love for the newspaper. When we were little, he constantly read to us from Investors Business Daily and the Wall Street Journal. And then, during my undergraduate years at Baylor, I could pick up copies of the paper all over campus. Thus, the habit was formed. 

Now I mostly read the digital version, but I do love when I can get my hands on a copy of the physical newspaper. 

Why do I read it? Other than the fact that I like it, I read it because I like being informed. It makes me feel less like a mindless sheep... just one of the masses mindlessly walking to the beat of some unknown drum. I want to know who is driving the beat and who is shepherding the nation and towards what end. I like the idea of educating myself and being a life long learner. 

In case you'd like to pick up this habit, here are a few links to articles I've recently enjoyed. 

Happy Weekend Reading!

What about you? What do you like to read? And where do you get your news? Do you prefer to read it or watch it? 

Whatever your reading... it might be a good day to go read at the park. It's the perfect date. 

"April 25. Because it's not too hot and not too cold. 
All you need is a light jacket."

Much Love, 
xo The Attic 

ps. The first picture is of Karlie Kloss and can be found HERE. And the second picture is a quote from the movie Miss Congeniality. 


  1. I love your blog! Your posts are always simply perfect. And I love, love, LOVE Miss Congeniality!

    1. Thanks Grace! You're kind. :) And yes, I do too! If for no other reason than the fact that it's so quotable.

