
Monday, April 28, 2014

Park Days

Weekend Whimsy 

Jon and I have a new way of making our little loft apartment seem a lot bigger...

We treat the park like our living room! 

Don't get me wrong, I love our little loft... but sometimes it's nice to have some extra space. And bonus- going to the park is a fun, CHEAP date idea. 

And this weekend had PERFECT weather to head to the little park right by our apartment. We grabbed a quilt, books, cards, carrots, and water, and headed outside. 

Currently, I'm reading Winter's Tale. The writing is lovely- full of long, poetic sentences and beautiful imagery. It took about 80 pages to set the scene, but now I'm about 1/4 of the way through it, and I think it's fantastic. Once I'm done, I want to see the movie!

Jon is re-reading the Clifton Chronicles, by Jeffrey Archer, because the fourth book, Be Careful What You Wish For, just came out! We love Jeffrey Archer. He is a fantastic writer with an interesting biography. He was heavily involved in British politics, and even spent a couple years in prison- a history that lends itself well to both his fiction and non-fiction. 

We also played Speed, one of our favorite card games. I won. Ha. Just had to say it. Why? Because he wins 8 out of every 10 games we ever play. He is the game master. 

The only negative part of treating the park as an extension of our apartment is that it leads to itchy eyes. Boo allergy season. 

Do you have any tips or tricks for making the most of a small space? If so, please share! It's likely that we'll be living in a small space for a while... 

I hope you had a lovely weekend! 

Much love, 
xo The Attic 

ps. I liked this Refinery 29 article about decorating for a small space... I might use some of those tips in the future! 


  1. This is great! I really don't think I spend too much time inside when it's as nice as it's been anyway. The weather has just been too perfect and now that classes are done I can do all of the reading that I've been wanting to do! I just started "Love Letters to the Dead" by Ava Dellaira and I love it so far!


    1. Happy summer! I just looked up "Love Letters to the Dead" and it looks really interesting, although maybe a little sad. Once you're done, let me know what you think!

      xx- Lynn-Holly from The Attic

  2. Great idea! It's always amazing to get outside :)
    Small spaces? I think white walls are always a good place to start.
    Anisa from The Macadames. xx

    1. Good call on the white walls. Jon and I might be moving soon, and the apartments we looked into said we could paint! Yipee! I'll probably paint most of the walls white, but maybe an accent wall here or there.

      xx- Lynn-Holly
