
Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Love Language Quiz

What is Your Love Language?  

What makes you feel the most loved? 

Do you feel most loved when someone gives you a small gift just because they were thinking about you? Or what about when someone gives you a hug? Do compliments make you feel loved? Or do you feel most loved when someone helps you with your to-do list? 

Find out your love language by taking this short quiz.  

Knowing how you feel most loved and how the people in your life feel most loved is really beneficial to your relationships, so you should take the quiz and find out! 

My love language is physical touch- if you can't tell by the pics. I LOVE hugs!

Sending hugs your way... 

Much love, 
xo The Attic 


  1. I'm physical touch and words of affirmation, but my husband is acts of service and quality time!

    1. Opposites attract! My husband's tops are probably gift giving and quality time. It's nice to know, though, isn't it? That way we can both love each other more intentionally.

      I'm so glad you stopped by Karissa, so I could check out your blog too! It's wonderful.
      xx- Lynn-Holly

  2. I love this post idea! I just found your blog and am loving it so far!

    1. Ah thanks Madison! You're kind. I loved checking out your blog too! We seem really similar.... we share a love of coffee shops, traveling and thunderstorms. :) Looking forward to reading more from TwentyNineEleven in the future!

      xx- Lynn-Holly from The Attic

  3. Mine was quality time. That time spent with friends and loved ones is really special to me and I alwys try to take a moment and soak up and cherish that time.

    1. Lindsey's (the oldest Attic sister) love language is quality time too... She'd rather do EVERYTHING with someone else. She used to beg me to visit with her while she cleaned her room. And now, I'm married to someone who loves quality time. Funny how that works.

      I've come to appreciate it too... Some moments of life are just better shared, no?

      xx- Lynn-Holly
