
Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Earth Day Adventures

Happy Earth Day! 

Things I recommend you do in honor of Earth Day: 

  • Go climb a tree. 
  • String up a hammock between two trees and read. 
  • Bring a blanket, (if you don't have a hammock) and a book to a park (and/or grassy area) and read.
  • Go for a jog outside. 
  • Or go for a walk outside if you're not a jogger. 
  • Express your artistic talents with sidewalk chalk. 
  • Go to the beach if you can... seriously. Go for the rest of us who are landlocked. 
  • Recycle something. Like your Starbucks cup. 
  • Go for a hike. 
  • Break out your bike from its dark corner in the garage and go for a ride. 
  • ....or at least, look out a window and smile. 

Happy Earth Day! Take some time to appreciate something God made today. Something I'm thankful for? Trees. They're awesome. And pretty much my most favorite of God's creation: My Husband! He's the best. 

"In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth." Genesis 1:1

Much love Earthlings, 
xo The Attic 

ps. That photo was taken by the awesome photographers at Montag Studio during our engagement picture session. Yes, we did actually climb a tree. Unprompted. Just 'cause we wanted to. What? You don't do that? You should. 

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