
Thursday, February 6, 2014


Link Love 

It's almost Friday, it's almost my 6 month anniversary, and it's almost Valentines Day! So many things to look forward to, but today is pretty great too. I try really hard not to mentally skip over the present because I am so excitedly anticipating the future. (and if you're not excitedly anticipating Valentines Day... I'm sorry. We'll talk about that later. Before this year, I didn't like it either. Too much pressure.

Today, I thought I'd share some lovely links, some inspiring links and some thought provoking links.

  • This post from Aaron Sorkin (the creator of West Wing) about his friend Phillip Seymour Hoffman was  both moving and thought provoking. 
  • This Etsy store has some cute things and some lovely prints with gorgeous fonts. 
  • This post by the Acton Institute about liberal evangelicals and conservative evangelicals was interesting. (worth reading even if you don't agree with everything.
  • This post about creating web content made me life, smile, and think. It's great. 
  • This Buzzfeed list about how to destroy a friendship cracked me up, especially because my best friend- my husband- and I love playing board games so much. 
  • This DIY looks really cool! I want to try it sometime. Hopefully sometime soon. Although I often mean to try more DIYs than I actually get around to doing. Are any of you like that? Or am I alone in that? Any super DIYers out there? If so... teach me your ways! 
  • And lastly... if you'd like to make some homemade sugar cookies, like in the picture above, this recipe should help you out! 

I, for one, am a total sucker for the store bought sugar cookies. Not the ones with the icing, but the ones with the sprinkles. Hmm hm good. I might have to buy some for myself once it gets closer to Valentines Day! 

Happy happy Thursday.

Much love,
xo The Attic 

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