
Friday, February 7, 2014

Friday Prizes

Something Fun Came in the Mail!

Who doesn't love prizes? Especially when they come in mail! 

Yesterday, I received my eagerly anticipated package from Ashley Brooke Designs. Every detail, even the packaging was perfectly crafted. If I wasn't a fan before (which, I totally was. Her coffee mugs are the cutest.) I am definitely a fan now. And I'm not the only one. The entire Attic loves ABD, as well as Southern Weddings, The Glitter Guide, and Stripes & Sequins

What was in my pretty little package? Well, in honor of A.) our shared joy of being active and working out B.) our determination to be in a shape we like for lake season C.) our love of pretty things, we all ordered the I Like The Way You Work It tank top. I am so excited to wear it! One day, we might all wear them on the same day. Because matching your sisters while you're working out is totally cool, right? If that ever happens, I'll be sure to document it for your viewing pleasure. 

Here are the tanks, if you'd like to order a tank top for yourself and join the Cool Kids Club.

Also, in addition to my prize in the mail, one of my dear friends brought me a lovely fuzzy hat today! For no reason, just because she saw it and thought of me. The prizes were just what I needed today. I am starting to get weary of the cold weather and the snow, but the hat is perfect for the weather right now, and the tank is a great reminder of the warm weather to come! 

Happy Weekend Brave Ones! Stay warm. 

Much Love, 
xo The Attic 

ps. Check out THIS POST to see what other workout wear we love!

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