
Tuesday, January 28, 2014

What to Read

"Books Are A Uniquely Portable Magic." - Stephen King

The sisters of The Attic LOVE to read. It is one of our favorite leisure activities. Our Christmas lists always include books we want, and our bookshelves are always overflowing with books we already have and love. 

Currently, I am working through all of the books I got for Christmas. The fact that I own books that I still have not read is delightful to me. Every time I see them sitting patiently in whatever stack they're in, (because like I said, my bookshelf is beyond full) I smile. 

But Christmas books can only last so long! And it is almost February  which means I am going to be out of books soon. 

So dear readers, do any of you have any book recommendations you could share with the class? I'd be most appreciative. 

However, if you do not have any of book recs, it's okay, because I've found some for you. 

The Average Girl's Guide rounded up 9 books you should read in 2014 and the list looks great! I have already read one, skimmed through one, and almost bought another. 

And Buzzfeed (maybe not an actually reliable news source... but I do love their lists!) put out a list of 16 books you should read before they're movies

There is a bit of an overlap with Buzzfeed's list and The Average Girl's Guide's list, which is great. If you read one of them, you can cross it off of both lists. And isn't crossing things off of lists so satisfying? Look at that. I've provided you with books to read and a sense of satisfaction. What more could you want out of life? Other than warm weather, more vacation days, and the supernatural ability to always respond to phone calls and emails in a timely manner. 

It's the perfect weather to curl up with a hot drink and a good book, don't you think? If you happen to have read any good books lately, please share them with me! (Almost) nothing makes me happier than a long to-read list. (NOT to be confused with a long to-do list.) 

Happy reading Brave Ones! 

Much Love, 
xo The Attic 

"You can never get a cup of tea large enough or a book long enough to suit me." - C.S. Lewis 

ps. Jon and I read together often- he is the handsome man in the picture above. We were having a Starbucks/Reading date. Perfection. Such a great cheap date night. 

1 comment:

  1. I adore reading!! I already have a list that I've started for this year but am always on the hunt for a great book. I recently read "The Fault in Our Stars" and absolutely loved it! I also have "The Husband's Secret" and "Lost Lake" on my list. Thanks so much for sharing these rec lists! Happy Reading!
