
Thursday, January 30, 2014


Life With My Best Friend 

People often ask me- "How's married life?" And I always answer- "It's my favorite life." 

And it is. I love getting to live life with my best friend. He gives me the best hugs, makes me laugh the most, and helps me be the best version of myself. I love coming home from work, laying on the lovesac and debriefing our days together. 

Recently, we started a new habit for the end of our day. At night, before we go to sleep, we tell each other four things: 

  • Something we're thankful for on a macro-level. 
  • Something we're thankful for on a micro (like happened that day) level. 
  • And two things we appreciate about the other person. 

I got the idea for my new favorite kind of pillow talk from this beautiful blog post by A Cup of Jo and I love it. Partially because I just love hearing his voice before I go to sleep. When we were dating, and talking on the phone waaaay too late into the night, I would always try to get him to tell me a story before I went to sleep. :) But also because it reminds me to be thankful for the big things and the little. I think it's really, really important to be practice being thankful, no matter what stage of life you're in. 

Practicing thankfulness makes me more content. I often have a running list of things in my head of things I want, (perhaps I'll share it with you tomorrow!) and it's easy to get caught up listing those things and focusing on the things I don't have, rather than remembering all of the wonderful things I do have! 

Now,  listing our four things is something I look forward to. It's also nice to hear the person you love tell you things they appreciate about you. It's a real pick me up. And Jon is so encouraging! I love getting to live life with my best friend. 

Happy Thursday Brave Ones!

Much love, 
xo The Attic 

1 comment:

  1. This is such a sweet idea! I love that you and your husband share such a special time together each night. I think it's great to be so open with one another and making it a small tradition every night is even better.
