
Friday, January 24, 2014


It has been a crazy week, although not a bad one. My brain has just seemed a little all over the place. My way of handling business is to intentionally carve out a few moments everyday to do something I love. I don't abandon my to-do lists. I still work hard at my job. Sometimes I just need a moment. 

I sip coffee in the morning. I skim headlines, read articles, and peruse blogs. I make tea. I read a chapter. I write something. I take a hot bath. I go for a run. I lay on the lovesac with my husband. I make granola. I make mental lists of things I am thankful for. I eat a square of chocolate. 

You know, it's the little things. They help me not feel like I have lost myself in the business. I'm looking forward to many of those moments this weekend... and hopefully a few moments to clean up after myself as well! Messiness is typically my modis-operandi, but during crazy weeks it is even worse. I tend to leave things strewn in my wake. 

Cheers to many moments ahead, Brave Ones!  

Much Love, 
xo The Attic 

ps. the image above is from tumblr. 


  1. your little things list really is something to look forward to. I should try making a list like this too, sometimes we need to remember little special moments.

    imeowlife. ,Dixx

    1. Ah thanks Dixx! I always look forward to your "three I meow" lists too. :) Always inspiring.

      Happy Monday! :)
      xx- Lynn-Holly

  2. I think it's awesome that you carve out a little time each day to do something that makes you happy! I try to do this but I don't always succeed. The little things that you do sound so lovely by the way. I hope that you have a wonderful week!

    1. Oh thank you Emma Kate! I'm still working on the whole work/life balance thing, as well as sharpening my time management skills... I'm not the best at it yet, though. Making time for little things is always my aim, but I don't always succeed either!

      I hope your week is off to a great start!
      xx- Lynn-Holly
