
Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Dance, Dance

Middle of the Week Soundtrack

Some nights when you're tucked into bed with a great book and you meant to go to bed thirty minutes ago, but you just have to find out what happens next... you end up going to bed waaaaay later than planned. Or maybe the nighttime routine is thrown off by a sick toddler, (stomach flus are the worst.) a friend in need, or a busy brain that won't turn off.

But regardless of why you got less sleep than planned, (I think this happens to me on a bi-weekly basis) the result is the same- the droopiness, the necessitated coffee, the 3 o'clock slump, etc.

Does this happen to anyone else? If it does... never fear! The Attic has just the thing. So grab your (first, second, third, or eighth... we won't judge) cup of coffee and plug in your headphones. 

Here is a sweet new beat called "Cold" from UK-based producer duo One Bit. Just the thing you needed to help you pick up the pace. Come on. You can do it. Half way through the week and half way through the day. 

It's go time. 

And speaking of go time, it's time for me to go get things done. 

Much Love,
xo The Attic 

ps. The picture above is from a night during Spring Break. Dancing with my sisters is the best. We danced ALL NIGHT. Isn't that what you're supposed to do on SB? 

pps. The music was inspired from one of our favorite bloggers: Catching Zee. She's always entertaining and posts great music on the reg. Check her out. 

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