
Monday, January 20, 2014

Coffee Required

Monday? Yes. Manic? No.

Last week was long. This weekend was long too, as working some on the weekends is never ideal. But such is life, especially the adult life. Sometimes I have to prioritize and organize my time in ways I don't want to. Let's be honest. If I organized my time how I wanted to, I would mostly be hanging out with my husband, drinking coffee, reading, and writing here and there. No such luck. Although, on the bright side, I did get to spend lots of time with my husband this weekend doing just those things. 

This week promises to be a busy one as well. But I am determined that if I organize and prioritize my time well, it doesn't have to be a bad busy week. Yes, it is Monday. And yes, coffee was absolutely required this morning. But no, it is not manic. I will find joy even in the midst of business. 

Although, I was anything but joyful when the alarm went off this morning. 

Anyone else feel that way in the morning? Feelings of sadness and denial washed over me when the alarm sounded. But the hubs made an awesome breakfast, and I got a grande americano this morning, (Mondays are totally deserving of grandes.) and I'm making it. Slowly, but surely. 

Anyway, I saw this pic on one of my favorite blogs- Stripes and Sequins- and thought it summed up this morning perfectly. It made me smile. 

I hope your day is off to a great, if mellow, start. Happy Monday Brave Ones! It's time to get started on my list.

Much love,
xo, The Attic 


  1. I feel the exact same way. It's normally not easy to get up in the morning when what's ahead isn't that great. But I love your attitude of seeking joy throughout it all! I think that that is a great motivation and something to carry with you during the week. I hope that you have a fabulous week and that you are able to find the good in each day :)

    1. You're sweet. The week has been fabulous so far! I am a little sleep deprived, but still having a marvelous time. Thanks for the encouragement Emma Kate!

      xx- Lynn-Holly
