
Friday, January 17, 2014

Almost Done With the Week

Chin Up Buttercup! 

Today is a nose-to-the-grind, get it done kind of a day. Lots to do, and I must manage my time well to do it. Is this a busy time of year for anyone else? The holidays kind of lulled me into a sugar coma of relaxation, but it is time to rock n' roll again. 

I am caffeinated and motivated. My to-do list is even color coded- that is how busy I am this week. (And we all know how much I hate to-do lists!) 

But chin up, Buttercup! It's Friday. Time to get it done. I have segmented out my to-do list and I am ready to cross things off, one chunk at a time. 

When things get crazy, I just remind my self, like the picture says above- "You are capable of amazing things!" and I sip more coffee. Reinforcements can't hurt, right? 

Happy Friday Brave Ones! Sending happy, caffeinated thoughts your way. Cheers to getting it done!

Much love, 
xo The Attic 

ps. The picture is from my Pinterest. I don't know whose desk it is, but whoever you are- I like your desk! Thanks for the motivation. :) 

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