
Friday, November 8, 2013

Party Skirt

Happy Birthday Weekend To Me!

It's my birthday this weekend! Whoohoo!
I'll be 24 years old. So old. No wonder I wrote that post about the difference between the adult world and child world. I am officially, and undeniably in my adult years. Crazy. 

Feel free to buy me a present to celebrate my adult-ness with me! I love prizes and presents. I look forward to this time of year... My birthday is in November and Christmas in December. Yeah for present season! 

In fact, every year, our family makes long Christmas lists and they must be turned into the matriarch by Thanksgiving. Why? Not because we are entitled (we're not.) and not because we expect to get everything on our lists. (we don't.) 

We make lists to give the present buyer and idea of things we like/want/need, so that we avoid buying things that don't really fit in any of those three cateogories and therefore not a wise use of money. But we also give the present buyer the freedom to shop off list, because sometimes when you are shopping for someone you love and you see a gift that screams their name- you should probably get it. 

All of that being said, I have made my list. And that party skirt designed by Pim + Larkin from Piperlime pictured above, is on it, as well as some new lipsticks. (And btw, the model wearing the skirt is not any of the Fisher sisters. We run and do squats, so our legs don't look quite so stick-ish. Not that we have anything against stick legs... we just don't have them.) 

If you would like to buy me a present or use my list as inspiration for your Christmas list, you can find it here. 

Also, all of the Fisher sisters always accept Starbucks cards. Our coffee funds could use replenishing. 

I'm looking forward to this wonderful weekend and I hope you are too! Do you have any fun plans? 

xo, The Attic 

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