
Friday, November 8, 2013

Fisher Fam Party Comin' Right Up

Almost the Weekend! 

The Fisher sisters and our scuzin Sadie (sister + cousin) are reuniting this weekend!

It has been too long. I am sure we will laugh lots, eat plenty of good food, and then maybe squeeze in a run to compensate. In t minus eight or so hours, we will be back to our story sharing and clothes borrowing ways. I can't wait! 

I am sure that pictures and stories from this weekend will follow... assuming we don't get so caught up in having fun that we forget to document. 

Until then, 

xo, The Attic 

ps. This pic was taken after a New Years Eve 5k. It was so much fun. What a way to begin the year! 2013 has been great, and it is probably completely because of that run. Right? Right. 

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