
Thursday, November 7, 2013

Kiss Kiss

Pucker Up

Let's talk about a subject near and dear to my heart: lipstick. 

When I was younger, living at home, flying out the door to go somewhere (I am almost always running late, hence the flying...) I would inevitably hear my mother call out from behind me, "Don't forget your lips!" 


How could I forget them if they were on my face? 

She meant lipstick. 

My mother is a big, I mean huge, believer in the importance of lipstick. And because I am mother's daughter, and was basically bred to love it, I am now a lover of lipstick as well. 

I just feel classy in red lipstick. 

The only negative is that it gets on things... cups, straws, husbands. :) 

What do you think about lipstick? Do love it or hate it? (Or do you prefer chapstick?) What colors do you prefer? 

xo, The Attic

ps. Here are a few of The Attic's favorites: 


1 comment:

  1. Our mothers must share the "don't forget your lipstick" shout out. It's my mother's go to critique of my outfit. :)

    In the meantime…torn between chapstick and lipstick? I LOVE Clinique's Chubby Sticks.

    P.S. Happy Birthday!!!
