
Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Adult. Ish.

Welcome to the Real Word

She said to me... condescendingly. 

John Mayer is my jam forever and always. He fits any mood, anytime. 

His song, "No Such Thing," tends to make me contemplative. Is there actually such a thing as a real world? As opposed to what? A fake world?
 In my mind the differentiation between worlds should be between the Adult World and the Child World. One is full of imagination, and wonder. In that world, you aren't afraid to take risks, (because the part of your brain, your frontal lobe, that tells you not to is not fully developed yet.) and you are always ready for the next adventure, because you are unmoored by responsibilities. 

You are often wrong about things. Sometimes because of ignorance, and sometime because you just don't care. Fun is one of the highest priorities, as well as feeling loved, and being hugged often. 

The Adult World is full of information and intelligence. Your risks are substantially more calculated and occur less often, but you are more likely to have a successful outcome. You are not always free to galavant on an adventure, (unless you count heading to the gym to bounce around on a treadmill, and then try to look like you know what you're doing on the gazillion machines) because things like work, dependents, bills, and lack of money stand in your way. 

You are right often, and every time you're right, your feeling of superiority gets a little boost. Fun is reserved for weekends, (and sometimes sleep and fun are synonymous ) You still long to be loved and hugged, but somehow, when you transitioned between the two worlds, you may have forgotten how to ask for it. 

What world are you living in? 

Well, currently my age, college degree and full time job dictate that I should be in the Adult World. 

And... the Adult World isn't too bad. Being an adult meant that I could get married, and married life is awesome. It means that I can live in and decorate my own apartment. It means I can eat as many bowls of cereal in the morning as I want to, and it means that I don't have to ask permission to stay out late. I am also a better communicator, better writer, and better dresser than my yesteryears self. 

However, just because I am an adult, I don't want to lose my sense of wonder. I don't want my imagination to atrophy. I don't want to be frozen in fear in the face of risks, nor do I want to be afraid of being wrong. I want to have fun, look for fun, and create fun in my every day life. And if you know me, than you know that I do not hesitate to ask for hugs from those I love. Hugs are the best

Basically, what I'm saying is that I would like a foot in both worlds. 

Or that maybe those worlds are only separate because we have declared them to be so. Yes, we age and change, but perhaps those changes do not have to transport us to another world. Maybe one does not negate the other, but instead, the build upon each other. 

Maybe... John Mayer was right. There's no such thing as a "real" world (or adult) world. It's just a lie we have to rise above...

Those are my deep thoughts of the day. Hope you enjoyed them. Whatever you're doing or wherever you find yourself today, don't lose your sense of wonder! God is doing wonderful things. Sometimes, we just have to remember to notice. 

xo, The Attic 

1 comment:

  1. What a great post! Currently I find myself in the strange transition from child world to adult world. Today's post on my blog is actually about that transition in a way. I'm think I'm still in awe at how fast time is moving and how I'm not a child anymore.

