
Tuesday, November 5, 2013

College Roommates

Roommate Love 

Fall is one of The Attic's favorite times of year. Sweater weather, (well, light sweater weather in Florida...) hot coffee, bonfires, falling leaves... we love it all. 

Fall always brings the movie You've Got Mail to mind. Especially the quote, "Don't you love New York in the fall? It makes me want to buy school supplies. I would send you a bouquet of newly sharpened pencils if I knew your name and address."

Sadly, our undergrad days of school supplies, buying books, and losing our syllabuses are no longer. And as much fun as studying until the wee hours in the morning was, I think the thing we miss the most from our undergrad years is time with our roommates! 

All three of the Fisher sisters were beyond blessed with wonderful roommates in college- fabulous friends who balanced us out, made us laugh until our stomach's hurt, cheered us up on sad days, snuck coffee into movie theaters with us and dressed up in weird costumes just because. 

But now, all our roommates are spread out across the country. We still try to get together at least once a year though! 

So, cheers to our college roommates! We might have forever roommates now... but we will always love you! This post is honor of the middle sister, Alli, who happens to be in New York with her roommates RIGHT NOW. So jealous. I want to be in NY with my roommates!

Lindsey and her roommates introducing their two little boys! 

Fun fact about Lindsey's college roommates: They called themselves the Tall Socks Brigade. When they'd go on runs when it was cold outside, they all wore funny looking tall socks. 

 Alli and her roommates (minus one) at the Broadway "Newsies" in New York! 

Fun fact about Alli's college roommates: When they would do work out videos in their apartment, the people in the apartment below called the cops on them for disturbing the peace! Really? For work out videos? I think the credit for that one goes more to the crabby neighbors than the intensity of the work out videos... but hey. Maybe not. Those things can get crazy. 30 Day Shred, anyone? 

Fall photo shoot with the roommies. Funny fact about these pictures: Hannah was the only one who wanted to take these pictures. None of us were in the mood. Luckily, she convinced us all and now they are some of our favorites!

We loved getting dressed up! This particular night was for a ZZZ party, but really, we'd get dressed up for anything- racquetball, downstairs dance parties, grinch videos... you name it, we probably did it. And recorded it on our computers. 

My advice to current college students- take lots of pictures! They are so fun to look back at later and/or to have as blackmail on your computer. I am sure that there are plenty of embarrassing pictures of me that I hope never surface! 

Happy Fall! 

xo, The Attic 

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