
Monday, November 4, 2013

Nice To Meet You

A Little Q and A Session

Now, I know that most of the people who read this blog, probably already know at least one of the Fisher Sisters pretty well. 

But, I thought given that this blog has been checked out over 9,000 times, there might be a few people sharing the journey who don't know us well, or would like to know us better.

Facts about the Fisher sisters- We LOVE stories. We love books, we love movies, we love TV shows, we love funny stories that make us do the classic Burst Out Laugh. (It's a thing. In fact, it's so loud, that people have relocated in restaurants in order to not sit near our loud laughs.)

And part of hearing or reading any story, is picturing the characters. As Lindsey told me yesterday, "I hate when I'm reading a book, I have a mental picture of the character in my mind, and then three pages later, the author describes the character TOTALLY different than I imagined."

So, with that frustrating moment in mind, we thought we'd share a little bit about us in order to add some color to The Attic's story.

1. What is your favorite part about blogging?

I have always loved to write, but I hesitated on starting a blog. Most blogs have a certain... niche' and I couldn't find mine. I could not even pretend to be a food blogger. My cooking skills leave something to be desired. I couldn't be fashion blogger because I a.) have no one to photograph my stellar outfits, b.) I feel awkward in front of a camera. I don't know what to do with my arms! The skinny arms? Pockets? Behind me? c.) I don't always dress stellar-ly. 

So where does that leave The Attic? I guess you could call The Attic a lifestyle blog, but really, the blog functions like a grown-up clubhouse. A place of sharing ideas, plans, and dreams. That is my favorite part of blogging. We get to share all of this with each other, and with you. 

2. What is your favorite sound? 

Alli's favorite sound is her daughter Eleanore's laugh. My favorite sound is my husband's voice, when my head is laying on his chest. Lindsey's favorite sounds are Jay's voice- "Wook at me Mommy!" and the ocean. 

3. Who was the last person you talked with on the phone?

My sister, of course. 

4. Cats? Or dogs?

Dogs. We are total dog people. Both my sisters have boxers- Dakota and Lucy. I really really want a Swiss Mountain Dog, but since I currently live in small loft apartment, I might not be getting one any time soon. 

5. Who inspires you the most?

All of our answers were unanimous. The person who inspires us most as women is our mother. Also, moms who balance life as a wife, mother, friend, and professional. We know it's a balancing act and we admire those who manage it. 

6. If money was no object, what would you do all day?

I would read, have coffee with someone, write, have a picnic, lay around with my husband, write some more, and then put on a dress and go dancing. I know. Unusual train of events, but there you have it. I love stories in all forms and I love to dance. Totally perfect day. 

Alli's day would involve running a non-profit for children in need. We're still hashing out the details of her future foundation, but let me tell you, it would be wonderful. She was an amazing third grade teacher, and is fabulous at coordinating things. I am bad at both. (hence why our days are very different!) 

Lindsey's day would be filled with doing fun projects with Jay, being with family (duh. We're the best.) writing more (always on my list) and traveling often. 

7. What is a movie you can all three quote? 

Newsies. In fact, we have been known to bust into song whenever the movie is mentioned. We also love Remember the Titans, How to Lose a Guy in Ten Days, The Kid, The Holiday, and the Bourne Trilogy. 

8. What's your favorite way to exercise? 

Well, we love Crossfit, as you know. We love to run, and we also love to sit on our couches and watch recorded shows. Huh? That's not working out. I know. Just wanted to point out that why it might seem like we prostylitze working out, we are actually not super human. There are days when we don't want to get off the couch. 

Like today. 

There is a chance I might go run. Maybe. Doubtful. 

9. Are you an early bird or a night owl? 

Again, the answer on this one was unanimous. We are night owls all the way. (much to our husbands' dismay.) We'd definitely rather stay up late and then sleep in. It is impressive how much our energy levels increase after 10:30 am. 

And for those of you mentally quoting that cliche'- "The early bird gets the worm," my response to you is- "The second mouse gets the cheese." 

Cheese > Worms.


10. I really like reading your blog. How should I contact you? 

Yay! I'm so glad that someone likes to read it. Will you please contact us in the comment section below? We'd LOVE to hear from you- what you liked, didn't like (although, please don't be mean) what you'd like to see more of, etc. Or even if you just particularly like a post, let us know! It's good for our self-esteem. 

Happy Monday lovelies! I hope your week is off to a great start! If it's not, maybe drink more coffee. :) 

xo, The Attic 


  1. hey girls! my first time to your blog, so the introduction was perfect :) my favorite things are sisters (i only have 1, but she's my bestie), dogs (a cockapoo named kinzie), books (all kinds), and laughing (best part of each day). looking forward to learning more about your foundation :)

  2. Jennifer! We are so happy you found us! If we lived in the same city as you, we would definitely want to meet you for coffee to discuss our favorite books. :)

    And if/when/as soon as we develop our foundation... we will keep you updated! For now, Alli has her hands for full with Eleanore- the adorable, crawling machine.

  3. How fun! Loved reading all of your answers. Of course I loved reading who inspires you the most. Gotta love the momma's ;)
    xo TJ
