
Wednesday, October 23, 2013



Recently I've been reflecting about how the internet and social media have changed the way we communicate, interact, and share stories. 

And sometimes, I mentally process in poems. I'm not sure why, it's just the way my brain works. 

The Queen of Spain reached through
Her wretched smiling pictures
To grab me, and pull me
Through her misery.
Why is it her right to play
On my sympathies?
Why is it my duty to cure
Her sickness and disease.
And yet, I cannot look away.

Her hands, swollen with
A painful history
Remind me of my own
Fair collection of bones, necessary
To tell my story.
A part of her. A part of me.

Queen Kinley stares at me
Through wide eyes. She asks
To be heard. To be seen.
I mock her need for affirmation
And her constant visibility.
But yet, little broken one,
I hear your need, and it echoes
My own. My own need
For someone to listen.
Someone to say you matter.
You belong.
To me.

The Queens of the Internet Age
Do not hide their feelings or needs
Like the Virgin Queen.
They open their books, for
Admires, and mockers to read
And to write upon their pages.

I like to think
That like the Faerie Queene
Full of delight and mystery,
That I have the heart of a King.
While my hands do tell a story
And my eyes do ask you to listen
It is my words that will call you
To action.

The words that can set ships to sail
And a thousand to flight.
Wars won first with the pen
Followed by might.

I long for words that move mountains
Calm storms and heal diseases.
I long for the words that create light
Even in my dark recesses.

Oh, That my tongue would be a rudder
Of wisdom, guiding my words.
That my stories would be worth telling
With my pen as the only sword.

I am not Queen Bee
Armed with a warning hum
Burrowing under your skin
Pulsing with its drum.

But I am here.

And I will advocate my throne of pretention.
My hands will help you and
My eyes will see
Your passionate conviction.
I am not a queen that can give a crown
But I will give you my words
And I will tell your story
As my skill will allow.

I am not armed with a bow,
Camera or drum
But I will use what I know.

My pen is a weapon
Fighting ignorance with stories.
Come. Let us tell of our triumphs and failures
Our passion will be our glory.

We are not royal monarchs
Draped in fine robes
No. We will be like the emperor
Showing weakness in our invisible clothes.

For it is our weaknesses
That bind us.
Pride is a solo journey-
Long and grueling.
So let us tell our stories and be Queens
And Kings of our own castles and ruling.

Sit down dear traveler.
Put your luggage full of insecurities to rest.
And tell me your story. 


Hope you enjoyed the peek into my processing. What do you think about the way the Internet has changed communication? Is it a good thing? A bad thing? What will it look like 10 years from now? 

Let us know in the comments below! We'd love to hear your thoughts.

xo, The Attic

ps. The picture is from Claire Pettibone's Tumblr. I do not own the rights to it. It's lovely though, isn't it? 

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