
Thursday, October 17, 2013

A Comedy of Errors

Picture Perfect 

Sometimes on our blogs, our facebooks, our twitters, and definitely on our instagrams, life can seem really... picture perfect. 

I'm not saying that's a bad thing. I'm all about celebrating the beauty in life. I don't think we need to start posting ugly things in attempt to be "authentic." 

(Gosh people love that buzz word. Why? What does it mean anyways? People use it to describe jeans, as a recommended type of behavior, as a title for youth group sermons... the possibilities are endless.) 

I just think sometimes it's nice to know you're not the only one who doesn't have 100% of their stuff together 100% of the time. 

So, on the off chance you were feeling alone in your failings, here is a quick catalog of my recent errors and challenges: 

1. I've discovered that I really strongly dislike cleaning by myself. (I dislike cleaning in general but it's waaay worse when I'm doing it by myself.) I feel sort of martyr-ish, even when I'm just cleaning up after myself. I'd always rather my husband be doing it with me. I mean, come on. At some point in your adult years you're supposed to accept that clothes don't pick up themselves and get more organized. I'm still waiting for that to happen to me. 

2. I experiment a lot when I cook (because I am still in the process of learning how to cook) and typically at least one part of the meal doesn't turn out well or like I planned- ie. lemon chicken that was so sour it made us pucker, asparagus cooked to little thin strings, burnt corn, dry chicken... the list goes on. 

Dicing garlic cloves and DJ-ing like a pro. Clearly a Betty Crocker in the making.

3. For some reason, I really don't like to put up my clothes. I like to just leave them wherever I take them off. This leads to a messy apartment. Why is this problematic? See #1. 

4. I let my alarm go off at least 3x before waking up. And then often still choose not to wake up. 

5. Which leads to me never being at work when I mean to be. (Luckily, if I aim to be early, I still manage to make it on time. Most of the time.) 

6. I never remember to RSVP to weddings. (even after dealing with annoying people like me when I planned my own wedding. You'd think that would encourage some change here!) 

7. Writing thank you notes. I am grateful. I just don't like having Gratefulness on my to-do list. 

8. Remembering everything on my to-do list. Here is the quandary- if I write my list down, I feel shackled to the list and thus overwhelmed with my captor's demands. If I don't write it down, I forget at least one, if not five, things. Which is worse? An overwhelming captivity enforced by the to-do list glaring at me and berating me for not finishing everything, or not getting everything done, but in a low-key, as-little-stress-as-possible manner? 

9. Actually keeping my nails painted. I feel like this a mark of feminism and it just doesn't (read: rarely) happen for me. In fact, I just learned how to paint my own nails last year. Yes, I am in my twenties. If pinterest and instagram are any indiction, then having your nails done is highly important and if you paint them creatively, you get bonus points. Nail painting has basically been raised to a level of art. 

10. Well, better leave this one open. It is still morning after all. Who knows what errors I'll have to add to the list by the end of today? 

There. Don't you feel better about yourself now? You can now smugly pat yourself on the back because you hung up your clothes last night. 

I see comments on people's facebook and instagram pictures all of the time that say things like "you're perfect." and "Why can't I be you?" and the list of excessive compliments goes on. 

But we're not perfect. Nor are we all meant to be just a like. 

Hopefully you enjoyed the show-and-tell of my recent imperfections. Perhaps it boosted your self esteem or at least made you laugh. 

Happy Thursday everyone! (Really. Thursdays are the best days. It's almost the weekend. You made it through over half of the week. People are happy that it's not Monday or Tuesday. And you're more productive than Friday, because let's be honest, by then you're already mentally checked out.) 

Until then,
xo, The Attic 

ps. I took the above picture when I went for a run. Isn't it lovely? 


  1. I wish we were all more in the habit of writing thank you notes more often.

    great post!

  2. Ha. Me too! I love buying stationary for that very purpose. The idea of letter writing and thank you notes is lovely... unfortunately, I need to work on my follow-through.

    Thanks for checking out the blog!
    xo, The Attic
