
Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Are You an Athlete?

Try, Try, Try, Try to be an Athlete 

I know, not our best picture, but to our credit- we had just finished a SPRINT TRIATHLON! 

Now, before you get too impressed, realize that we did not set any world records. (or national, or state, or even city.) 

But the fact that we finished the sprint triathlon is a win in my book. 

I had a mountain bike and was getting passed by 83 year old women on road bikes. It was a struggle. 

But even though we got kicked our faces during the open water swim, and even though I got killed on the bike portion, we were so glad that we did it. 

Why? Because as an adult, you have to be a little bit more creative in order to be active. You don't get recess time like you did as a kid. No wonder you were in such good shape then, even though your favorite food was oreos. You ran around everyday for an hour, burning some serious calories! 

It is also harder to be an athlete. If you are a super star and are really good, you can join an adult league.  But if you're like me- you only made the high school team because you went to a small school and looked like you were in shape, (note: appearances can be deceiving.) and there is NO WAY you'd make an adult-league filled with people who have been playing club since they were five. 

{And also note: of the three Fisher sisters, I, Lynn-Holly, am probably the least athletic. Both sisters cheered in college and I am pretty sure that Alli has actually played in an adult soccer league. And that chant above, "Try, try, try, try, try to be athlete?" That was a chant from Kanakuk, said in jest about the triathlete sport, because everyone knew that those who were in that sport were mega athletes. Everyone but me apparently. I tried it one summer and DIED; however, I was also in the best shape of my life at the end of that summer.}

So, since we don't have high school sports or elementary recess to keep us in shape, we've now turned to other avenues for our athletics. 

Our current favorite way of working out is (you guessed it..) CROSSFIT

We love it. It keeps us in shape. It allows us to be competitive, and it gives us another community to be apart of. We all have joined a box (crossfit terminology for gym) in our perspective towns. 

We also like to run! In high school, my best friend and I signed up for all kinds of 5ks just because they sounded fun. (Waaaay more fun than the treadmill anyway! Does anyone else feel like a hamster on those things?) One of the races was in the zoo! How cool is that? 

So if you are looking for motivation to get in to shape, The Attic recommends: 

  •  Just try out Crossfit. It can be expensive, and the work outs will be hard- but your work out goals will get accomplished. 
  • Join a running club! Most cities have one. It's a fun way to meet people while you're burning off those oreos. (because let's be honest, they are probably still one your favorite foods.) 
  • Sign up for a 5K, even if you can't run all of the 3.1 miles, you can still do it! Try a walk/run combo. 5Ks are more fun than just running in your neighborhood because lots of people are doing it with you, and the runs often benefit a good cause. 
  • Try a sprint triathlon! You don't actually have to sprint- we for sure didn't! In fact, we didn't even really train for it. We decided to sign up two weeks before we did it. But it was fun because it was different and it was a challenge. And now we sound really cool when we say we've done a sprint triathlon. (as long as we don't mention our times...) 

The commonality between all of these ideas, is that working out is most fun when it's done with a community of people. Now, we understand that sometimes it's just easier to lace up your shoes and head out the door on a solo run, but sometimes it's nice to switch things up! 

When you work out with other people, you are more likely to stick to it! And you'll have more fun. 

What are your favorite ways to work out? What do you find inspiring when all you want to do is lay on the couch? We'd love to hear! Sometimes a good book or entertaining TV show is hard to turn down in favor of exercise... 

Much love!

xo, The Attic 

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