
Friday, June 7, 2013

A New Chapter

Lately, when Jay wakes up, or in some cases when I wake him up, (he is definitely my child when it comes to loving sleep!) the first thing he asks is, "Beat?" Which is his sweet way of reminding me that if it's up to him, he'd like to go to the beach. Every day. Me too, buddy! And now I can take him. Ahhhh, Summer, welcome back! 

I mean, this child L O V E S the beach! Right after asking to go to the "beat," he reminds me of all of the things we should bring, boogie board, beat toys, "wuncreen," and the list goes on... 

The crazy thing is that this time when August roles around, I won't be completing my lesson plans or decorating my classroom. Jack and I recently made the decision for me to stay at home with Jay. I am super excited about all that this will entail, but also a little bit overwhelmed. 

I'm processing a few different things, trying to wrap my mind around what it means to not have my "thing" outside of the home. I want to be intentional with my time with Jay and not take it for granted. I mean, in only a few short years he'll be in kindergarten, and maybe before that, we'll have another baby.

The other day a friend of mine asked me if I felt like every day I HAD to do something with him, as in leave the house. This question made me look at what my goals are (ever evolving) and what my motivation is (often changing) in how Jay and I spend our time together. 

The thing is, I really have loved teaching, and part of me thought I would continue teaching for years on end... and that may be the case. I might go back when Jay and any other kids go to school, but in the meantime, as a stay at home mom, I still get to teach! I get to teach Jay. I have the opportunity to expand his world on a daily basis. So, I want to be incredibly intentional. We will absolutely have days when we don't leave the house. Reading books (especially to a captive audience) is a favorite at home activity. 

Plus, I really need to start potty training. The idea is completely overwhelming to me. Sometimes I catch myself honestly thinking that if I wait long enough, he'll just start going to the bathroom in the toilet on his own. If only... I know that process will definitely require many successive days at home. A big part of me trying to leave the house either in the morning or the late afternoon (our days are segmented by his two hour nap, which I hope to hold onto indefinitely... kidding, sort of) is that in order for me to be as intentional as I want to be, I have to create structure! 

I am NOT what anyone would call a structured type of person, but I feel like with that comes an inclination toward a lack of intentionality. In the blink of an eye whole days have gone by in which I have accomplished very little. So, I've made a list of things I want to accomplish from getting organized at our house (I probably should put away his 0-3 months clothes.) to learning new sports with him.

I'm trying to determine how to be the best stay at home mom that I can be, because I believe that right now, this is what God has called me to. I love the thoughts shared by Andrea Palpant on Her-Meneutics, a blog that I follow, about how even though the life of mothers may look unremarkable from the outside, our actions have profound purpose, in that we are raising the next generation of leaders. This is true weather I teach, work in an office, work in a gym, or spend my days at home with Jay. My most important role outside of being a wife, is teaching Jay about Jesus, about His costly grace that He so freely pours out on us. 

So, we're figuring it out together. We go play tennis, which by the way is hilarious with a two year old! We do crafts, and we read books at the library or at Barnes and Noble, which has a mom & child craft time in the kids section. 

On rainy days we stomp in puddles. The joy on his face is absolutely breathtaking! The park is always an easy option, or just walking Dakota, our boxer. Mostly, I think, he just wants to be together. On the schedule for next week is a much anticipated visit from Alli, Eleanore, and Sadie, as well as a trip to the zoo to leave the pacifier for the baby giraffes. I'll let you know how that goes! 

What are your favorite activities to do with your kids? If you stay at home, do you have any type of structure in place? What about potty training? I would love any and all ideas and suggestions as my family embarks on this new chapter in our lives! 

Much Love!
XO, The Attic

PS. Anyone doing anything exciting for the summer!? We'd love to hear about it. Also, if you want to receive post notifications, we'd love for you to follow us! See the previous post regarding how to follow the blog, or subscribe using Bloglovin

1 comment:

  1. My kids are older now so our structure is a bit different than when they were tiny. For home organization we have used which has some wonderful tips and ideas and even a section for kids. I have created a daily checklist that lists what is expected of them each day - get dressed, make bed, brush teeth, etc. plus a daily extra that is different each day such as sweep the porch, wipe the counters, etc. has Managers of Their Chores which helps one create chore cards with pictures for little ones. I also just came across some really cute printable morning routine cards with a similar idea - These things help our day go smoother. We also have Bible time and are working on virtues H loves doing the coloring pages. We spend a lot of time at the library. My kids LOVE books. Our schedule is a bit hectic right now, even in the summer, due to dance, horse-back riding lessons (E is getting a horse!), art classes at the local museum, and other fun activities for the boys that involve rockets and space, not to mention church and youth group! Soccer will be starting in August....

    There are days that I long to revisit the toddler years, if only for a day - time passes so quickly. You blink and they have grown an inch and life speeds by. I am thrilled that you are getting to stay home with Jay and God will help you as you are being intentional with Jay - he is so blessed! Enjoy every minute and if you haven't already, I recommend starting a Jay Journal of all the fun memories and things he says and does. I remember thinking at the time I would remember everything, but I don't if I do not write it down. (Especially with 4!)

    As for potty training. My ultimate favorite item is the Born potty chair that I used with my last 2. It is 1 piece and a simple design. There are no crevices that can hold "smells" and no container to pull out and "splash" as you are trying to empty it out. I also like the little seats that sit on top of the regular toilet seat. So much simpler. It has been a while - and I have slept since then - but I remember giving liquids at regular times and then waiting 15 or 30 minutes and taking them to the potty. Usborne Books has a cute book called "Potty Time" (They also have Meal Time and I think Bed Time) - my kids liked them. Finally, when each of mine successfully switched from pull-ups to cloth training pants and stayed dry (for I think 5 or 7 days) - we took them to the store to pick out real underwear and a prize. E chose Blue Clues Magenta plush animal, W choose Buzz Light Year, P chose dinosaurs, and H chose a Play-Dough set. It was very exciting for them and they got excited for their younger sibling to get to pick out their prize when the time came.

    Motherhood is an exciting adventure and a high calling as we lead our children to a personal relationship with Christ by our unconditional love, example, and intentional teaching and training. Blessings to you on your journey!
