
Thursday, May 16, 2013

Love Requires Sacrifice

Love is in the Air

All is you need is love- all together, now! 

It is spring time and love is in the air. I have been invited to more weddings, seen more pictures pictures of weddings, heard more news of engagements in the last month than I ever thought was possible. But, hey. I am not complaining. I LOVE love.  

And with my upcoming wedding, of course love, marriage, and a baby in a baby carriage (what?! I hope we have a few years on that one...) has been on my mind. 

I was also prompted to this line of thought when I was perusing my social media of choice: one of my favorite blogs- A Cup of Jo- and instagram. 

Joanna has done some lovely posts in the pasts featuring all different styles of weddings, but this post about a wedding in Italy is one of my favorites. 

Isn't her dress wonderful? It's Valentino, of course. It is feminine, interesting, and different. The perfect dress for a destination wedding in Italy. 

After pursuing instagram, (One of my favorite hobbies. I am not a great photographer, but I definitely appreciate people who are!) I stumbled upon a new favorite instagrammer- TaylorOctober. I love her pictures. I do feel kind of funny following someone who I don't know, but oh well. I consider it as a way of appreciating someone's art. I don't personally know most of the artists whose work I appreciate. 

And I just found out that she is starting a blog. Welcome to the blogosphere Taylor!  

Anyways, she made a comment the other day on her site, that she thinks that long distance love is the truest form of love. And since Jon and I dated long distance for a while, I am almost inclined to agree. But I think that only hints at the truest form of love. 

I think that the truest form of love always involves some sort of sacrifice. 

Look at back at your favorite love stories, I think you'll agree with me. Especially the stories that don't end when they are just beginning- ie. when the couple first meets. A love that endures requires sacrifice. 

Long distance love does in fact involve sacrifice- you must sacrifice seeing the person you love every day for the absolute joy it is to see them infrequently. This can definitely lead to some extreme highs and lows, but there are healthy ways to go about long-distance dating. We will discuss those later. 

In other news, if you are looking for a love story or for an amazing book- a book so well written that you will want to underline, highlight and frame some of the passages- you should check out A Severe Mercy. It is a story about a unique couple and their love. It is one of the The Attic's all time favorite books. Really. It makes our top 3. That is saying something since we are major book nerds.

So, there you have it friends! My thoughts on love and all of its mysteries. 

Let all you do, be done in love. 
1 Corinthians 16:14

What are your thoughts on love? Or on long distance dating? Have you ever dated long distance? Before Jon and I started dating, I was vehemently against it. But hey, it's worked out for us! 

Much love!

xo, The Attic 

ps. The first picture is a little throw back Thursday from Alli's wedding. Isn't the picture beautiful?

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