
Friday, May 17, 2013

It's the WEEKEND!

Happy Friday

Congratulations! You made it to the weekend. 

That picture is from a fantastic run I took last night with my friend- whom I've known since birth- Whitney Fenimore.  Isn't it beautiful and breath-taking?

This week, or rather this month, has been kind of crazy. It has mostly been crazy busy with good things though! And I am slowly figuring out how to manage the craziness. 

And In case your life has been crazy too, I'd thought I'd share my my thoughts on managing crazy: 

  • It is okay to live a calm life. You do not have to be going all of the time. And sometimes, being boring is the only way to get things done. 
  • Feeling antsy? Go for a run. The combination of endorphins and fresh air will be good for you. And plus, the results will look good on you. Also, it is okay not to be the fastest runner, or the best long distance runner. Just go outside, and get moving. 
  • Drink lots of coffee if necessary  But don't forget to be drinking lots of water also. Dehydration leads to falling over, (literally did that.) breakouts, (zits. check.) headaches, and unhappy kidneys. 
  • In the midst of crazy,  in the middle of things not working out, in the middle of desolation, instead of asking "Why me?" or "Why now?" try asking the prayer of the Benedictine monks- "God, what do you have for me here?" This question totally changes your perspective from presuming that you are entitled to something, to realizing that the creator of everything, who loves us more than we can imagine, has a larger story in mind.
  • If possible, (and I am aware, it is definitely not always possible) go to bed a little earlier. I can definitely soar with the night owls, but if I do, I will not numbered with the early birds getting the worm.  And truly, I prefer late nights to early mornings! But that schedule does not always lend itself to productivity. Donald Miller likes to go to bed at 9 pm and then wake up in the 5's! Whoa. My current bedtime goal is 11 pm. 
  • Don't forget to be reading! Reading your Bible will help with the craziness in your head and will help the rest of your life work the way it's supposed to. Spending time with your awesome creator is just a good thing to do. But also be reading other books... fiction to remind you of the power of a story, non-fiction to help you continue learning. Be inspired. Read. 
  • And lastly, choose joy. Every day and every hour. 

How do you manage your crazy schedule? We are always open to tips! (and me especially, as my time management skills seriously need to be developed. And that's putting it nicely.) 

Happy weekend loves! I hope it is filled with JOY! 

xo, The Attic

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ps. The "choose joy picture" is from pinterest. I did not design it myself. 

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