
Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Paleo Pot II


Happy Mother's Day to the Mothers in Your Life!

Hello Lovelies! 

We hope you had a happy Mothers Day celebrating the mothers in your life! We definitely did. We also had an insanely busy week, so in case you did too, we are bringing you another idea for a quick family dinner- the Paleo Pot II.

But first, let me say THANK YOU to those who have not given up on us yet. The Attic loves its newfound blogging community, but because of events abounding in our other communities, we have been slacking on the posts. 

I would say that it will never happen again, but it probably will, so why lie? I am slowly getting my life together, but let's be honest: having a "put together life" is a goal that will never be achieved, only aspired to. 

Last week was eventful. Because last week my future in laws came in to town, (They are wonderful. I love them.) we had our first wedding shower, (more about that later) and we celebrated Mother's Day, I feel like I am just now catching my breath. It's Wednesday. I know. 


If you have been insanely busy like me, meals might consist of thrown together left-overs. Which means, it is the perfect time for another Paleo Pot! 

This week's pot looks quite different from last week, but since the pot is by definition, a satay of anything you'd like that is paleo, this meal still fits the bill. 

It might not look pretty, but what it lacks in looks- it more than makes up for in taste. Not in the way that someone who "has a good personality" and they're sort of likable kind of way, but in the second-helpings-because-you-can't-help-yourself kind of way. 

This meal is also easy to make and is a major crowd pleaser. 


Rotisserie Chicken 
Olive Oil
Herbs de Provence 

This oil + vinegar by Teaoli is AMAZNG.
A perfect gift for anyone that spends any time in the kitchen.
Worth buying. Maybe consider buying it for yourself for a present. 

The amounts are not exact, as this meal is mostly done by preference. 

Step one: chop yo' vegetables. 
Step two: pick your chicken (although, side note: we used a rotisserie chicken because they are tasty and convient, but you could always bake/grill/pan fry your own chicken.) 
Step three: toss veggies in olive oil in a bowl (again, amount to preference. I kind of wish I would have measured out mine... but  I recommend you do around 2 TBS) 
Step four: heat up a little bit of olive oil in your skillet 
Step five: once the oil has heated up a bit, add your veggies 
Step six: drizzle (and by drizzle, I mean pour. I LOVE this vinegar.) vinegar over veggies. 
Step seven: mix up and let cook for a little bit. 
Step eight: add chicken. 
Step nine: add a touch more vinegar and olive oil if needed. 
Step ten: season with herbs de provence, rosemary, salt and any other seasoning you'd like 

Cook a little bit more, until veggies are cooked the desired amount. I like mine with a little bit of crunch, but not much. 


Hmmmm. I know. Your taste buds are thanking me right now. And so is your waste line. You could've had a club sandwich (which has around 1,000 calories!) but instead you had this goodness. Good tasting + good for you. 

I must give credit where credit is due. This meal was created by Robin Holland- the lovely woman I stay with during the week, (when I am not at my own house, with my own marvelous mother.) Robin is a lovely woman, a wonderful cook and a fabulous host. Her house is one of my happy places. Dinner time with her, her husband and my fiance is one of my favorite times of the day. 

She cooked this meal last night, and today, I used the leftovers, added broccoli and more chicken, and cooked it a little more. 

Variations of this meal: Well, as this is the Paleo Pot, variations abound. But my initial thoughts are that you could add cubed sweet potatoes because they are tasty, you could add more veggies because more veggies is always a good idea, and you could add avocado because avocado is good in almost anything.  

And there you have it. I promise that I will not become someone who only posts pictures of what they ate. Why? Because A.) I enjoy writing about other things too and B.) I am not that good, or interesting of a cook, so we would all get bored in short order. 

But if you have been insanely busy like I have,  I recommend that you take a deep breath, make a paleo pot, eat, enjoy, and take a moment to relax. Your busyness will still be there when you are done eating. And I think there is something magical about eating a good, healthy, tasty meal with people you love. Something about breaking bread (metaphorically, as I do not eat much bread) with other people. It's rejuvenating. 

Someone else who thinks that way (and who is a MUCH better cook) is Jenny. Check out her blog- Dinner: A Love Story.

Well, that's all I have for you today faithful readers! But look for a post soon about my magical wedding shower and perhaps another one about one of The Attic's favorite shows, (which started last night) So You Think You Can Dance! 

What about you? Do you still cook dinner when life gets busy? It is one of Jon and my goals to eat together often, but I know that will be more challenging whenever we have children. Lindsey and Jack have found that Jay eats more when he gets to eat with them, but that also means they get less adult conversation time. How do you handle family dinner?

We'd love to hear!

xo, The Attic 

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