
Thursday, April 25, 2013


What's Your First Thought in the Morning? 

My first thought in the morning is usually... "Already? Hmm... nope too tired. Five more minutes," which often, for example this morning, turns into thirty minutes. 

Mornings are just not my time. Jack, Lindsy's husbad, wakes up singing. Jon, my fiance, wakes up cheerful. Whitney Owens, one of our dearest friends, springs out of bed in the morning. 

Lindsey, Alli, and I do not spring or sing. We are not chipper. (Although, admittedly  Alli is the best in the morning of the three of us.) 

I hit snooze multiple times, I make unintelligible sounds, and eventually, I crawl out of bed. I am typically grumpy at this point that I don't get to sleep for two more hours. I am not mean in the morning; however, I am only a shadow of myself. I remain this way until I am caffeinated. 

But I have a new plan for my mornings...

It does not involve singing or springing, but perhaps it will make me a little less angry at the fact that I am awake. 

In Jewish custom, the first thing you do when you wake up is say a blessing. Now, I am not jewish and actually know very little about jewish customs, but I thought this one sounded lovely. 

The first thing that Jewish people say when they wake up is called the Modeh Ani, and it's translation is:

"I offer thanks to You, living and eternal King, for you have mercifully restored my soul within me; Your faithfulness is great." 

Doesn't that sound like a wonderful way to start the morning? Saying that blessing would help me immediately make the switch from thinking about myself and how tired I am, to thanking God for giving me the day and for his faithfulness! 

Now, I don't think saying this blessing will somehow transform me into a morning person, but I do think it might help with the morning process. 

Saying a blessing followed by drinking an americano might be my new morning routine. 

How do you wake up in the morning? What does your morning routine look like? We'd love to hear in the comments section below!

We hope your day is off to a marvelous start,

xo, The Attic 

ps. The idea for this blog post was found at Jeff Goins' blog. If you don't read his blog already, you should check it out! He always has interesting things to say. 

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