
Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Just Because

Sometimes, You Just Need a Mental Break

Lately, for my job, I have been reading a lot of political commentary. This not a bad thing... I like to be informed, but I need a mental break. The rants, the cynicism, the hatred, and the sarcasm get old, and this negativity can be found on both sides of the ever moving line between the left and the right. 

So I have decided that the best thing for me to do is not stop reading political news completely, or not do my job for the rest of the day, but to do what I always did in college when I needed mental breaks.... 
Watch Dance Videos.

What can I say? I'm obsessed I love dance. I grew up dancing. My family regularly has family dance parties in the kitchen and at wedding receptions we can always be found movin' to the music. On cruise ships, the girls in my family run the dance floor. 

Without further ado, today for your enjoyment and afternoon mental break, I give you the woman that I aspire to be like someday. 

So, stressful day in the office? Trade out your heels for your dancin shoes and move around a little bit. (and pray that the guy in the office next to you doesn't see you.) 

xo, The Attic 

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