
Monday, April 29, 2013


Thank the Lord for Teachers!

It is my belief that teachers must have, and consequently do have, (even on their worst days) an extra but of energy and a large extra dose of patience. 

I am not such a person, [at this point in my life, anyways.] but both of my sisters are.

Last week was Teacher Appreciation week, and I, even in my childless state, am a full supporter of that week. And it is getting to that point in the year- SUMMER- when parents everywhere appreciate their children's teachers. 

Summer: when parents are trying to figure out how to accomplish their to-do lists, run their errands, and entertain their children all at the same time, and are enormously thankful for their children's teachers. 

One of Alli's students brought her these adorable cookies from Merritt's Bakery for Teacher's Appreciation Week. Let me tell you, these were no ordinary sugar cookies. I am pretty sure that there was either crack or magic in them. 

If I was a teacher, I'd love some cookies! Although my waist-line would probably appreciate something else... like a Starbucks gift card. :) 

Even if you missed Teachers' Appreciation week, you can still buy you child's teacher a Starbucks card! I'm sure they will appreciate it, any time you give them one. 

Or maybe consider giving them an end of the year present. A thank-you-for-graciously-teaching-and-entertaining-my-child-for-nine-months present. You could give a gift card to nice restaurant that your teacher and their significant other could use on a date night, or perhaps a monogramed tote, perfect for stylishly carting their lesson plans back and forth. 

I am sure that there are other great prizes you could come up with! What's one of the best prizes you've received? Starbucks cards pretty much always make my day! 

We hope you feel loved and appreciated! (even if you aren't a teacher!)

xo, The Attic

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1 comment:

  1. Need some encouragement to finish the year teachers? Watch this video! It will make you smile.
