
Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Welcome To My Office


You know how I wrote about things changing..? Well things just changed BIG TIME. In more ways than one. But the biggest change is that I got a new job! I am officially the Media Relations Coordinator at Oklahoma Wesleyan University, which means I get paid to do what I love- write! I am still amazed. I have been working for/praying for/applying for/worrying for/praying for this job for a while. (since last spring, to be exact, back when I was a senior in college and freaking out every time someone asked me
"So, what is your plan for next year?" My mental answer, "Well, my present plan is to high five you in the face. Thanks for asking.")

And now, almost a year later, I get to do what I love, work in the same city as my fiance, and work with great people. Wow, God is good and His plan is sooo much better than mine.

I even get my own office. :)

I am beyond thrilled with this big change in my life. It has made me extremely busy and tired (I drink A LOT of coffee) but I am so happy! 

However, while that change has been all consuming recently, that is not the only change that's happened around The Attic. 

Lindsey got her Level One Certification for Crossfit! Whoo hoo! She's a machine! 

Alli's world has totally changed since the birth of sweet little Eleanor. 

And... our eating has changed. Lindsey has been eating paleo for a while, but Alli and I are just now jumping on the train. I know. Whoa. This is a big commitment. RIP syrups in my coffee and the occasional M&Ms. Alli is ready to get back to pre-baby shape (and she's already almost there! She's incredible!) And I am getting married in less than 5 months, and of course, I want to look awesome in my dress. We'll keep you update on how the eating plan goes, and if we stumble across any great ideas or recipes, we'll be sure to pass them your way! 

Happy March! It's the beginning of spring! Even the weather is changing... 

I hope this post puts some spring in your step! (ha. cheesy, I know.) 

xo, The Attic

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