
Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Things Change

The last year has been one of change, and next year will most likely be too. But in the midst of change- some hard, some easy- I remind myself, that while things change, and while I strive to make my life one that matters, which can be an exhausting goal, no matter what, God is my rock. 

"My God is my rock in whom I take refuge, my shield and the strength of my salvation. He is my stronghold, my refuge, and my savior..."

2 Samuel 22:3 

 These pictures are from the first, and only, mountain I have ever climbed- Montgo Massif. It was outside of Denia, Spain. We could see the mountain from our classroom window and it had been taunting us all semester. I didn't think I could climb it. So at the end of the semester, the day we wrapped up our last final, Malea and I climbed the mountain. And we didn't take the easy footpath. Nope. We climbed the hard way- up rock wall, through thorny bushes- and we made it. We couldn't find the trailhead, and trying to ask people where it was in our elementary spanish led us to taking the trail less traveled. 

But we made it! And now that serves as a great reminder that I can do more than I think and that I can make it... even when it seems impossible. Also climbing that big mountain was a reminder of how BIG God is. 

Thankfully, even through the busy times and/or tumultuous times of our lives, we can trust in God- our rock and refuge. 

I hope your week is going well Brave Ones! Here's to daydreaming about mountains... whether climbing or snowboarding. 

xo, The Attic

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