
Tuesday, March 19, 2013

These Days

These Days

I've found it's not the big things in life or the every once in a while, infrequent occurrences that amount to a feeling of satisfaction for me. Instead, contentment comes from the small day to day highlights in my life. Running around outside with Jay, the first perfect sips of an Americano from Starbucks, a few free moments to get lost in a book, or an hour or two at the gym to reach a new personal record... these are the things that make me so thankful to be living this life! 

I mean, I still have a behemoth to-do list looming over my head, difficult situations seemingly without solution, and areas in my life in desperate need of improvement, but in these moments I am grateful. I'm grateful to be a mom to the sweetest little boy I know. His laugh is magical. I'm thankful that there is a Starbucks on almost every corner and that my body has finally adjusted to the lack of cream in my coffee. I am so glad that I am capable of working out and have found such an incredible CrossFit community to encourage and challenge me.  So, that is what I've decided to look for, glimpses of the amazing in the midst of the normal day to day routine. 

What are the day to day things that make you smile? 

xo, The Attic

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