
Monday, April 1, 2013

Monday Smiles

Monday Smiles 

Happy ______ to Me!

It’s that time of year again lovelies! The always annual yet always surprising tax time. Now, if you’re like me, you immediately stress just at the word “taxes.” But luckily for me, I am marrying someone with a logical brain who so kindly offered to help me do them.

And… we finished them last night! Phewf. And the best of part of the whole process is (other than finishing it, of course) that I get a tax return! Whoo hoo! I know that it is essentially money that I already worked for, and that the government is just giving it back to me, but since it's unexpected money, it's exciting. Now I just have to decide what to spend it on… and currently I have a running list of things I want to buy, but do want to spend any money on.

So Happy Tax Return, Happy Half Birthday, Happy You’re Surviving the Adult-World…. call it what you will, but I think it’s time for me to buy myself a prize. In fact, since it's April- that time of year when all teachers are marking days off of their calendars- I think it's time for Alli and Lindsey to get a prize too. 

Here are the things currently on my and my sisters' wish lists:

  1. New skinny jeans- my current favs are j.crew, citizens for humanity, and joes jeans…
  2. The Skinny Mini skirt from j.crew- I already have the fall edition in red and I love love love it.
  3. Face Wipes- Lindsey got me hooked on these blueberry infused face wipes. They are the perfect way to wake up. Every time you use one, you will feel like you're giving a gift to your face.
  4. New running shoes- my incredible fiancé just got me new crossfit shoes- which I LOVE- but now it’s time for me to replace my running shoes. I’ve had these for over a year, ran a half marathon in them, and have totally worn out the padding. My knees are demanding replacements.
  5. Perfume- This is one of Lindsey's and my all time favorite scents, and it’s been discontinued. Bummer. But luckily, you can still find it online!
  6. The Meaning of Marriage by Timothy Keller- It’s time for a new book and this one looks awesome. I think it would be a worthwhile time and money investment since Jon and I are not only planning a wedding right now, (which, by the way, is like another job in and of itself) we are also planning our marriage.
  7. New sandals- it’s almost sandals and sundress weather, and I think I could use another pair. Ever since I moved away from my college roommates’ wardrobes, my supplies have been low. Lindsey, Alli and I are all huge fans of Target's current sandals supply. 
  8. We could always use some more accessories- some necklaces, bracelets, and earrings from anthropologie or j.crew are our favs.
  9. A picture frame for my office- my office is lovely, although not really personal. It’s time to add a few personal touches, so it really feels like it’s mine.
  10. A new spring outfit from Gap- they have beautiful shorts and fun tops right now! We'd all three like to buy a few outfits from there…
  11. Straight hair shampoo- my curly, poofy hair will not be tamed with grocery store shampoo. It really prefers Enjoy, unfortunately, my budget does not.
  12. New workout clothes- my two pairs of workout pants seem constantly dirty! Really, we are all currently wishing for some lulu lemon pants, shorts and tops...
  13. Think Thin Bars- they are one of the few close-to-paleo protein bars out there and I love them. Chunky peanut butter is my favorite. Who doesn’t love a little chocolate and peanut butter in the morning? The only problem is, they are mega expensive when you buy them per bar from Fresh Market, so I order mine online from Amazon.
  14. A throw blanket for my office because I am almost always cold. I don’t ask for the thermometer to be bumped up a few degrees either, because for a normal person this temperature is probably fine. I just can’t seem to stay warm! Hot coffee helps… but it only lasts so long. I go through my morning coffee pretty quickly.
  15. And lastly, (for now…  I could go on and on, and let’s be honest, I always would love a new dress, an Essie nail polish or a Starbucks card, but those are almost givens… right?) a new swimsuit. It is almost lake season! And since I am (mostly) eating paleo, I might not hate swimsuit shopping quite as much this year. Well, it’s possible anyways. 

Well, there you have it. Those are things I and my sisters are currently wishing for, in no particular order. If you would like to buy us a prize for any reason at any time, this list has some great options on it. 

Our wish lists are constantly growing because between having children, paying off school, my upcoming marriage, etc. our budgets are a little tight. But let’s be honest, we do not really want to be at the point where we are not wishing for anything. We don’t necessarily think it’s healthy for us to buy everything we want all of the time. That mentality can trick you into making you think you am more self-sufficient, instead realizing that you are really God-dependent. However that is another post for another time. 

But since I will be getting that tax return soon- whoo hoo! – I might buy a few things off of the list.

I hope your Monday is starting off great! Mine started off with drinking my Americano (happiness in a cup) watching the sunrise, and singing (very loudly and definitely off-key) Shout to the Lord. I recommend that way of waking up to everyone.

Happy Spring lovelies! Let us know what is on your wishlist in comments below!

xo, The Attic

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