
Friday, February 15, 2013

What to do When the to-do List Overwhelms...

Motivation: How to Keep Going

Hello Dear Reader,

We took a day off for Valentines Day in order to celebrate the Loves in our lives- our families and peanut m&ms- but we're now back in action. And in accordance with that, here are few thoughts on getting motivated to take action. We've found that the motivation to DO things comes in spurts... so what do you do when it's not there?

Benjamin Franklin said that energy and persistence conquer all things… but how to find energy and persistence on the daily? That is my question. When motivation strikes, I feel like I have to get fit in as much as I can while I’m motivated because I know that drive will fade, at least a little. I wish it wouldn’t! What is motivation? Well, according to Webster it is the act or an instance of motivating, or providing with a reason to act in a certain way. mo·ti·va·tion [moh-tuh-vey-shuhn]  

What motivates you to be the best version of yourself? I’m talking about across the board, relationships, nutrition, training, all of it. For me, I’ve found that it is ALL related. When one area is off track, it’s only a matter of time for everything else to unravel. Lately, I’ve been pretty motivated with the nutrition challenge CFJAX has been doing coupled with the fact that The Open is just around the corner. The question is, how to keep it going? How will I maintain? These are a few of the things that work for me.

  • Surrounding myself with people who are on board with my goals (my sisters preferably, but they do live about five states away from me.)
  • Setting goals and tracking progress – not just for CrossFit
  • Staying consistent, even when it’s inconvenient 

People are really the bottom line for me. The impact my friends and family have on my motivation is pretty major. Plus, in many ways they are the driving force behind doing what I do. I want to be a better teacher, wife, sister, friend, and mom to this little guy.

It is way easier for me to eat well and train consistently if I am surrounded by people that are like-minded! I mean, it’s a lot easier to turn down donuts if the person sitting next to me isn’t eating them! The goal setting deal is a game changer. What’s the saying? If you shoot for nothing, you’ll hit it? So, I set goals, for instance I want to get certified to coach CrossFit, get stronger, and be more organized in my personal life. Tracking progress is difficult for me if I don’t have accountability. People holding me accountable also contributes to consistency for me. On the days when it would definitely be easier to skip my workout, drive through for dinner, or take a nap instead of get things accomplished, a reminder is helpful (in the long run… it sometimes sucks in the meantime!)

What motivates you dear readers? What keeps you going? 

xo, The Attic

ps. This post is from Lindsey Weyer, the oldest sister in The Attic. 


  1. Linds! Just found the attic!
    I was just thinking about this motivation issue! Regarding house-keeping (making sure my house is a peaceful place to live in)-- which I'm not great at. So, what I'm reminding my self of is who my choices affect. How I use my time affects myself and largely affects my family. I'm reminding myself that it's not all about me. Love to the attic sisters! Lisa Tromp

  2. So glad you found us Lisa LIM! :) I love seeing pics of Charley on insa! She is the cutest!
