
Monday, February 18, 2013


Thinking of Things We're Thankful for
 = Great Way to Get Out of a Bad Mood

Well, as you acurately assumed from the picture above, I have a cold. Again. I think I have had a cold, or have been getting over a cold for the last month and a half. How annoying! Immune system- Do your job! 

So in order to get past my I-have-a-cold-and-I-hate-it grouchiness, and in order to help you get past your it's-Monday-but-I-wish-it-was-Saturday grouchiness, I think it is time to list some things that the Fisher sisters are thankful for. 

We have found the best way to help ourselves get past a bad mood is too list things we're thankful for... (if the mood is REALLY bad, the list gets really long- ie. list each finger and toe.) 

So here are few things on the Fisher sisters' thankful list: 

  • Coffee. It helps us function as happier human beings. 

  • Perfume. It makes us feel like ladies and it helps us smell like them too. This is currently one of Lindsey and my favs but it is hard to find in stores! Luckily amazon still sells it. 
  • I am thankful that I have hair. Really thankful. I got really sick my junior year of college, lost half of my hair, and then had to cut it short. It is finally growing back- just in time for my wedding! Phewf. 
  • The newest edition to the fam: Eleanore Lynn. She is healthy and lovely. Alli (the middle Fisher sister) said she is thankful for "a healthy baby girl that teaches me something new every day, including the understanding of unconditional love." I am thankful for her too and her very kissable cheeks!

  • Crossfit. All of the Fisher sisters love this style of working out because it's continually challenging, but also fun. Crossfit provides a community that just going to the gym didn't give us. And we now have arm muscles. How.Cool.Is.That.

  • Soft blankets from Pottery Barn. We love to wrap up in them- it feels like a hug! Although we continually debate which side is better: fur side or soft side. My vote is fur.
  • Our men who love God and love us. My fiance bought me soup today since I'm not feeling well. He is the best.ever. 
  • Something that I and my sisters always are thankful for- our family. Our parents are wonderful examples of how to love your spouse, my dad shows us what can be accomplished with hard work, my mother shows us that is possible to always speak in a kind voice, and my sisters continually prove that it is possible to be best friends AND siblings. 
  • And lastly, and really most importantly: God's renewing grace. 

There. I feel better already. My nose is still stuffy, but I am in a much happier mood! 

How do you handle grumpy moods? We are always open to suggestions. :) 

We hope your Monday is lovely! (Although if it isn't... maybe you should make your own thankful list.) 

xo, The Attic

ps. This verse is a great one for days like today: "Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God." Philippines 4:6 

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