
Sunday, February 24, 2013

Happy Days

Happy Weekend Loves!

I am sorry the last few days of posts have been sporadic—my only excuse is that all week I was looking forward to my weekend road trip with Jon, that I could not focus on anything else. That and I had a lot of stuff to do. Wedding planning. Who knew there were so many details??

But nonetheless, I survived the to-do lists and the workweek, to make it to… DALLAS! It is my fiancĂ©’s weekend off from work, so we decided it was time to head out of town and to go on an adventure.

An adventure with the man I love? That is enough to make me twirl. 

Thus far, our weekend has been LOVELY. Just what we needed. Friday night we ate at this fantastic restaurant  Hibiscus, (it's in uptown Dallas and we'd totally recommend it.) And Saturday was the perfect day. 

The day started with a slow wake up of hugs and laughter- which is the absolute best way to wake up. Then my day really started, let's be honest, when we went to Starbucks. I love love love Starbucks. (To the point that some would consider an addiction. Really it's just a love affair that's gone on since high school. What can I say? Starbucks (and Jon) has my heart.) 

Then we went to this amazing place for brunch called Bread Winners with one of my college roommates. The interior was lovely, charming and welcoming. It had exposed brick and look like the house of my dreams- much like the interior of Mandy Moore's apartment in Because I Said So. Anyone else remember that? 

Afterwards, we wandered around this park, which is on top of an overpass- how cool is that?- and I petted every single dog we saw. We saw a lot and I loved them all. 

Then we meandered through the Dallas Museum of Art, played tag, and sat and starred at one of my all time favorite paintings- "The Fountain of Vaucluse" by Thomas Cole. I adore it. I would possibly consider staging a museum heist in order to get it. Or I'll maybe just buy a print- the legal option. 

Then we visited with one of my favorite friends- who also happens to be a fantastic fashion designer. I would LOVE to have her dress me 

After wandering around the museum  we nestled ourselves in a spot that happens to be one of our favorites in any city- Barnes and Noble. Nothing can beat the smell of new books. And when you combine the sights of new books, the coffee to my right, and my fiance across the table from me reading The Wall Street Journal- my happiness was complete. 

To top off the perfect day, we went to dinner with some of my college roommates and their men. We went to this Fort Worth restaurant called Rodeo Goat- think amazing burgers. 

Hope you're enjoying your weekend too loves! Go put on some perfume and twirl- just like you're Kate Spade's muse. Because, really, who wouldn't want to be?

xo, The Attic

ps. The picture above is inspired by Kate Spade's perfume "Twirl." It's the perfume I brought to Dallas, because it's the perfect sweet scent for a fun date night with your man. 

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