
Thursday, December 13, 2012

Meet Me Under the Mistletoe

Alli and Chris on their three year anniversary
It's the most wonderful time of the year... time for Christmas and then New Years and then Valentines day... Love is in the air. And Love Actually might be on my television. (I must say, I am sucker for British accent.)

So in light of our romanticized, commercialized upcoming holidays, I think it's a great time to share the best (and the worst) relationship advice I've heard. What makes a relationship work? When do you know if someone is right for you? Here are a few of my thoughts.

Great Advice: If you can't sing loudly (and obnoxiously off-key) in the car with them, they probably aren't for you. 

Now maybe that doesn't apply if you A.) sing like an angel or B.) never sing in the car. But since neither are true for me or my sisters, dating someone who we couldn't sing or be silly with, would mean dating someone who we couldn't be ourselves with.

Bad Advice: Don't call him back right away, make him chase you. 

Yes, it's nice to feel pursued. But do NOT plays games. That is beneath you. Unless of course, you are in sixth grade, and then by all means, play on.

Great Advice: If he doesn't make you laugh, probably not a good sign. 

Yes you also want him to stimulate your thoughts and perhaps some other parts of you too, but if he doesn't make you laugh, you're in for a boring ride.

Bad Advice: I'm sure he just lost your number. Or he's really busy. Or he's having a hard time at work right now, he'll call later. 

Ladies, if he is in love with you, he will make time for you.

Great Advice: Don't look to someone else for your fulfillment. The one who created you, also completes you. Whether you're dating someone or not, you were created solely to glorify God. Nothing else.

Any more advice? We've found that guys and girls communicate really differently so any communication advice is always helpful!

xo, The Attic

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