
Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Home Decorating Ideas

Welcome Home 

A dog, a fireplace, and a lovely rug. Isn't that sight so welcoming? 

I love looking at pictures of other homes and apartments. There is not a home decorator or interior designer hidden anywhere inside of me, so I have to look at other people's pictures to get ideas. 

I'm starting to figure out what I like, though. At least I have that. 

Recently, I've discovered a love for bookshelves, (well, I've always loved those) pretty rugs, fireplaces, inviting and comfortable looking furniture, interesting lighting, wood floors, and exposed brick. 

(And dogs. But I have loved those for a long time. Currently I have my heart set on a Greater Swiss Mountain Dog, also known as a Swissy.) 

It might be a while before my future home wish-list is fulfilled, but it in the mean time, I pin a lot of pictures so I can remember what I like. 

These are some of my current favorites: 

So, while the designer in me has not budded quite yet, I'm starting to develop my taste. 

If you'd like to see more of what I like and wish I owned, follow me HERE, on Pinterest! 

(and if you any of you are secretly, exorbitantly wealthy, or have a genie offering to grant more wishes than you know what to do with, feel free to buy me any of the things I've pinned. Just thought I'd throw that out there.) 

Much love, 
xo The Attic 

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