
Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Take Care


I've been working on taking better care of myself just in the little decisions I make on a daily basis. 

I'm drinking less caffeine and more water. I try to do something active at least once a day, even if it's just for 20-30 minutes. I've been soaking in my time reading the gospels in the morning. I am increasing my daily servings of vegetables. I am trying to use my time more wisely. And I have been working on getting a sufficient amount of sleep. 

But lately I haven't been sleeping super well. Do you have any tips? What's your nightly routine? 

I'm not doing these things to take care myself because I'm in favor of selfishness, or making myself #1, but because this is the body I was given, and I feel like I should take care of it. Just trying to be wise and act intentionally. 

What about you? What little things have you found that make a difference in your day? 

I really like this list I found of things that contribute to happiness. It's worth reading over. 

Happy Tuesday Brave Ones! 

Much Love,
xo The Attic 

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