
Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Run it, Run it

Let Me See if You Can Run it

I can't. Run it, that is. In case you were wondering. Or at least, I can't run fast. 

I discovered that this weekend. When the weather was awesome and lovely and warm, Jon and I jogged over to the local high school track and did some sprints. Well, sort of sprints. I think I'm even slower now than I was in my junior high track days, and I wasn't that fast then. It was kind of depressing. 

But it was fun (for me) to run with him! He doesn't love running unless there's a game or strategy involved- like sprinting after the ball in basketball. But running for the sake of running? Why would you want to do that? 

Because it's good for our hearts and it makes your wife feel good and look good. duh. Running or doing something active most days a week is good for my mood. It helps me not get antsy. 

Yesterday, I ran four miles. Well, I use the word "run" loosely. I moved for four miles. 

I like running because I can do it any time I want and it's free. (other than paying for shoes that help my knees not hurt and clothes to keep me warm/cool/visible/stylish :) I guess...) I also like it because it's a good mental discipline for me. Often my mind wants to quit before my body does.

What about you? What do you do for fun and/or for fitness? Yoga? Pilates? Crossfit? Running? Do any of my dear readers do some sort of barre class? I've read about them and it sounds awesome! And why do you do whatever you do? I'm curious.

Last night when I was running up this huge hill against the wind, and freezing my heinie off, I listened to Lecrea for motivation. If you haven't heard this song, you should check it out. It makes me smile and dance every time I hear it. Even at stop lights. Yes. I'm totally that girl. 

Today, the high is in the low thirties... which means no running outside for me today! I've heard the saying that "There is no bad weather. Only bad clothes." But one freezing cold run was enough for me this week! I wore a thermal, a fleece, and a hoodie and was STILL COLD. Goodness. 

Sending warm thoughts your way! 

Much love, 
xo The Attic 

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