
Tuesday, February 25, 2014

And the Award Goes to...

So Excited About the Sunshine Award!

Definitely jumping for joy. Cheesy, I know. Stay with me. Yesterday was an oh-my-gosh-I-can't-get-out-of-bed-how-do-adults-do-this-every-day type of day. I had a hard time kicking it into gear and was seriously doubting my adult skills. Mornings are just not my time to shine. 

But then, during lunch, when I was perusing my collection of favorite blogs, and hoping to find a little YOU CAN DO IT type of inspiration, I found out something amazing... 

The Attic has been nominated for the Sunshine Award! 

The Attic was nominated by of my favorite blogs- Catching Zees. She is funny, honest, and always posts great music. Also, it's fun to read about how someone else is navigating the world of adulthood. For anyone who's been there- or is still there- you'll definitely be able to relate. 

So what is the Sunshine Award? From what I gather, it's an award given by bloggers to other bloggers, and it's purpose is to connect people in the blogging community and to shine the light (ha.) on blogs that are particularly inspiring and engaging.  

Yay! The Attic's first blogging award ever! Definitely a momentous occasion worthy of cookies and ice cream. (which by the way, I made awesome gluten free vegan cookies last night that will rock your world. I'll clue you in on them later this week.) 

The rules of the Sunshine Award are: 
  1. Display the award on your blog. 
  2. Announce your win with a post and thank the blog who nominated you. Thanks Zee! 
  3. Post 10 interesting things about yourself. 
  4. Nominate some other deserving bloggers. 
  5. Link your nominees in a post and let them know with a comment. 
So, let's get to it. One and two, done and done. Onward to interesting facts. 

Things You Probably Didn't Know and (maybe) Wish You Did:

1. While I, Lynn-Holly, the youngest Fisher sister, am the primary writer of this blog, the URL is Three Sisters Attic because all of the three sisters have been somewhat involved, (and The Attic was the name of our first clubhouse) so I thought it was a fitting name for our blog. My sisters are my closest friends, which means that I often get ideas from them for posts. And Lindsey, the oldest sister, when she is not chasing around her three year old son, posts occasionally too. 

2. At one point or another, all three Fisher sisters wanted to get a tattoo. I wanted to get a little heart on my wrist. My parents told us that if we got tattoos, we'd still be under their emotional covering, but no longer under their financial covering. That squashed the idea real quick. 

just a little one like this. maybe someday...

3. We've been on some pretty awesome adventures and done some really fun things- including skydiving. It was so fun! I definitely want to do it again. 

4. We all snowboard. Lindsey is the best, (she lived in Colorado for a stint, though. Definitely an advantage.) Alli is not far behind, and I still do a lot of falling leaf. And falling. 

5. While being some of each others biggest encouragers, we are also really competitive. At almost everything- card games, backyard football, Crossfit, you name it, and we've probably figured out a way to turn it into a competition. 

6. Lindsey lives in Florida and Alli and I both had the chance to live with her for a summer. They were some of our most fun summers ever. 

7. We like to travel and we've explored some really amazing places, including Europe, and we'd love to go back. We're always down for seeing and doing new things. 

8. We all like to read. Book recommendations are traded like currency in our family. 

Behold my Uncle's library. Isn't it beautiful? 

9. While we like a lot of similar things, and we compete in a lot of things, we also recognize that we each have different strengths. 

Lindsey lights up whatever room she enters and has persuasive powers that border on magical. 

Alli has an innate fashion sense... She always seems to have the inside track on things. (In fact, she just started selling this awesome jewelry. You should check it out!) She is also an event planner extraordinare. She gets that from our mother. 

And I am the the introvert/learned extrovert of the family. I love to be around people, but I am also equally content with a night in with friends or with a book. I am also the sister who loves to write. 

10. That being said, I have always loved to write, but I probably would not have started this blog if Lindsey would not have encouraged me too. There are just a lot of other awesome blogs out there and I wasn't sure I'd have something new to contribute. But I am so glad I did! It's fun having a place to share my thoughts, hopes, and dreams. And I love when I hear from people who read my blog. It's fun to know that I'm contributing to conversation, not just talking into the void. 

And like I just said... there are a lot of great blogs out there. Here are nine of them that you might not have heard of yet, but you definitely should check out. I am nominating them for the Sunshine Award as well! 

Apartment-Wife. Jennifer also got married last year and it's so fun to read about her and her husband's adventures! 

His Little Lady. TJ's blog is lovely, as is her messy blonde hair. Trust me, you'll fall in love too! 

All That Glitters. Ashley is a college student who loves a little glamour. 

I Meow Life. Dixx lives in London and her blog is delightful. I especially love her Wednesday roundups. 

Believe in Your Dreams. Lauren is a dreamer, a writer, and an adventurer. I love reading her thoughts on things. 

The Hippie Memoirs. Emma Kate is just as cool as her blog sounds. Read it, and you'll want to be her friend. 

Graceful Living. Grace is also a semi-recent college grad navigating the adult world. Her blog is a new find for me, and I love it.

Three Mints. Taylor's blog is a chronicle of the newlywed life in Portland, Oregon. It makes me smile. 

That Working Girl. This is also a new blog for me, and I love it. As I am a relatively new member of the adult world and working class, this blog is perfect. 

There you have it. 

What a major pick-me-up this week. One thing this winter has taught me is that we all could use a little sunshine in our lives. Am I right? 

Happy Tuesday Brave Ones. Sending sunshine your way. 

Much love, 
xo The Attic 


  1. Thank you so much for nominating me! It makes me SO happy! I'll be uploading my post later this week <3

  2. Yay! Love this post. Your family is so charming! And I'm so glad you're excited about the award!

  3. thank you thank you thank you !! i am so honored to be noticed by you and nominated for the sunshine award :) you can see my thanks and acceptance here:


  4. Thanks so much for nominating That Working Girl! I appreciate it so much :)

    - Lindsay
