
Thursday, February 20, 2014

Date Night

My Favorite Date 

He is my most favorite date. Isn't he handsome? I love him. The big kind. 

This is my last post of the Kansas City adventure... Our Valentine's date night. 

It was wonderful. Really, the whole weekend was. He did such a great job planning it. I love that he's so good at planning and organizing things. 

We stayed at a great hotel. (I wish the picture showed the wooden ceiling. It was pretty cool looking.) And overall, just had a great weekend exploring, relaxing, and visiting. 

During the day on Saturday I got to shop for the perfect dress for our date night. Usually, I shy away from polka dots (they're just too busy looking for my eyes) but with this dress, it didn't even matter. I fell in love with it. I looked lots of places, but kept coming back to this lovely, classy dress. 

The dress is from Anthropologie, and I didn't even pick out! The stylist did. I told her that I was looking for a dress for a date night and my size, and she came back with an armful of loveliness. It was hard to decide between them all, but the flattering fit and the fun caging detail of this dress won me over. Anthro. It's always a win in my book. 

When it was time to get ready for date night, we did something special. Something I recommend that all married couples do on occasion. 

We got ready separately. 

He got ready first, and then watched the Olympics while I had the bathroom all to myself. And then he went downstairs before I came out. That way, when I was totally ready, I could come downstairs like, "Taaadaaaaa!"

It might seem silly, but it makes the night feel so much more like a date. Reaching over each other for the toothpaste is totally fine for everyday, but for date night, it was nice to just have him see me in my final state, not in the trying-to-bush-out-the-tangles-and-cursing-my-long-wet-hair state. 

He took me to Cooper's Hawk in the Plaza. The pretzel bread appetizer was basically magical. All of the food was amazing. I literally ate every single thing on my plate. 

And the design of the restaurant was cool too. It was on the second story and felt kind of nest-ish. (hence the "hawk," I guess.

Overall, it was an amazing night with my favorite person. And I got to wear an awesome dress, which made the night even better. I've already worn the dress once this week and I might wear it again. I'm an outfit repeater. Sue me. And it is just that cute. 

I hope your week has been wonderful! Mine has been great, although it has had its long moments. (which just entice me to day dream about our next adventure!) 

Happy Thursday Brave Ones!

Much love, 
xo The Attic

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