
Friday, January 10, 2014

Wise Words

I Believe in the Power of Words 

Here is a little inspiration for you to help you make it through the day. Happy Friday Brave Ones. 

Something to make you smile, something to give you hope, & something to give you a kick in the pants. Go make your dreams happen! 

If you have any current favorite quotes, share them in the comment section below. We could probably all use some inspiration on this grey, foggy day.

Much love, 
xo, The Attic 

ps. All images can be found on pinterest. And this post was inspired by this blog: His Little Lady. Credit where credit is due. 


  1. I love this collection of quotes! I have a whole pinterest board full of them and now I have a few more to add. Thanks so much for sharing! Love your blog!

    1. Oh thank you Emma Kate! Quotes are lovely, aren't they? Sometimes we just need a little inspiration to get us going.

      And we love your blog too! The Hippie Memoirs always makes us smile.

      xx- The Attic
