
Monday, January 13, 2014

Big Transitions

He's Three! 

Lots of transitions in the Weyer household these days! The biggest transition being that we now have a three year old. I really think three is a magical age... old enough to understand a little bit more, ever increasing vocabulary, hilarious train of thought, and full of energy. Everything seems so much more wonder filled when viewed from his perspective.

So, with my little guy turning three, my determination to get him potty trained increased substantially. (needed to happen before he started changing his own diaper!) We tried at two and a half this summer, and he really just didn't seem ready. After the struggle, I decided to give him a break, (okay, me a break) and he was probably actually ready to try again this fall, but I wasn't. Mainly because we were traveling SO much. An airplane did not seem like the place to be really working on potty training.

I sure wish potty training was instinctual, kind of like crawling, walking, and talking! Jay goes to preschool three days a week, so last week, on the two days of the week he doesn't go to school, we stayed home the entire day. After many tries with no successes, he went! He was as shocked as I was.

Over the weekend we made a ton of progress, ordered some rubber sheets, and decided to send him to preschool this week in his spiderman underwear. I'm so happy and relieved to announce he made it through the whole day (okay, pre-school only lasts three hours) with no accidents! 

It seems like he was just really ready this time around because we really haven't had many accidents. Although I do carry around extra clothes for him just in case. This article, Potty Training Tips, I read has some great ideas, some of which worked really well for Jay.  I think the biggest thing for us was to not go back and forth between diapers and underwear. Once we made the switch, we had to just stick with it. We are in no way finished potty training, as we have not even begun to address the night time deal yet, but we are on our way!

Last night we put together his first big boy bed, a twin bed, instead of his toddler bed. He has never been more excited to go to sleep! We'll see how long that lasts. Here's to hoping. Doesn't he look so tiny in that big bed!?

What if any transitions are taking place in your household these days? Any tips on potty training? Hope your Tuesday is filled with wonder, Brave Ones! 

Much love,
xo The Attic


  1. This sounds like such an exciting time in your life! And that bed is adorable!

    1. Emma Kate, thanks... my mom found the bed on amazon and had it shipped to us for his third birthday. He could not believe it when he saw it! Fun times, for sure! Happy Monday :)

  2. Yay Jay!! Such a big boy. And that bed is amazing. He's a lucky little guy. :)
