
Thursday, September 19, 2013

Tips on How Not to Become a Couch Potato

Writer's Block

Confession time. I haven't written much recently (but you already knew that) partially because I've been pretty busy, and really because I have been pretty tired. I use my brain so much during the day, that by the time I pull up my computer and begin to write, my exhausted brain cannot operate to its full, creative extent. I draw a complete and total B L A N K. 

I have so much more sympathy now for people that come home from work and park themselves in front of the TV. When I get home from work, I'm so tired just from thinking and being "on" all day, that I want to just veg out. (You know. Be vegetable ) I used to mentally scoff at those people and condemn them to the categories of "Lazy" "Uninspired" and "Uncreative." Chastising them for not getting a hobby or working out. What do you mean- you don't have time?! You get off work at 6:00 p.m. - you have tons of time. 

You must just be lazy. 

Well, I could totally become one such person. I don't move around a lot at work. I am not a physical trainer. I sit at a desk. I type. I answer phone calls. I respond to emails. (most of the time.) I attend meetings. I write some more. And yet, after hours of sitting, at the end of the day, I am STILL TIRED. Brain work, I've discovered, is hard work. 

But, all that being said, while I do have more sympathy for the couch potatoes, I am determined not to join their ranks. I have decided that I need to make sure I'm intentionally cultivating my hobbies. 

Here are my thoughts and tips of how not to be an adult couch potato: 

1. Exercise. Just because I feel mentally exhausted, does not mean that I cannot run. I just have to push through the initial tired. And I feel sooo much better when I am working out consistently. My goal is to run 3x a week and Crossfit 3x a week. I don't always reach those goals. So far I have run once and have gone to Crossfit twice this week. But hey, it's only Thursday. I might make it.

2. Read. When I stop reading, the creative side of my brain goes limp. It doesn't disappear, it just isn't strong or in full force. My imagination needs to be stimulated regularly. I like reading both fiction and non, but right now I'm particularly talking about reading stories. I firmly believe that we should never underestimate the power of a good story. 

3. Stay caught up on current events. I like to read like I like to eat- I feel off when I don't do it. And hungry and cranky. I love reading books and stories, but I also love staying caught up on the world around me. I start my mornings with the Wall Street Journal, and I check blogs daily. I also thoroughly enjoy discovering new blogs and new websites. 

I love The Everygirl. It's layout is fabulous and it's content is always interesting. I am a HUGE fan of Vogue. I love that the magazine covers current events, as well as fashion and trends. Anna Wintour, (the supposed inspiration of The Devil Wears Prada. Great book and movie) the Editor-in-Chief of American Vogue, and Artistic Director of Conde Naste Publications, considers staying caught up on current events imperative. I couldn't agree more. This is the world you live in. If you do not know what is happening, you cannot affect change. I don't want to become a sheep- a mindless herd animal, so, I stay caught up. Current events are also great fodder for writing. 

4. Get out of the apartment. I love our teeny tiny loft apartment. I've named it the Love Shack. (cue song.) Why? because its shack size, because I love it, and because it's the place where "we can get together." ha. But while I love the apartment, I need to venture out occasionally in the evenings. My introverted tendencies have the potential to make me a hermit. Social interaction is good for me. It helps me think outside of myself.

5. Just do it. Three cheers for catchy slogans! Hip hip horray! But really, Nike's slogan has some truth to it. Sometimes you need to stop thinking about things and just do them. So, I am going to make myself keep writing- even when nothing is coming to mind. I could use the practice and I'm sure you could use the entertainment. 

Well, that's all of the tips and tricks I've acquired thus far. I'll let you know if I am successful in my goal to not become sedentary.

Let us know how you manage to cultivate your hobbies in the midst of your busy life. We'd love to hear! 

xo, The Attic 

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