
Monday, April 8, 2013

Breaking Spring: Part 1

Breaking Spring Part 1

It was only a week long, but there is too much to fit everything into just one post. The week of being surrounded by my family was pretty close to perfection. I think my favorite thing was watching Jay interact with each of my family members. I'm so thankful that he sees them as often as he does! This trip he learned how to say, "Tulsa." He now knows the airplane takes us to Tulsa and that Papa Fish, Grams, LaLa, Alli, Ennano (Eleanore),Uncle, Sadie, Jeni, and Jon live there. His face lights up when we talk about each family member, and it makes me fall in love with my family all over again to watch him begin to love them like he does. The idea of a baby cousin is so fun for him! 

At the beginning of the week my mom, Allison, and I took the babes to Utica Square for lunch and shopping. The Wild Fork has a steak salad that is so delicious! After hitting Starbucks where we got Americanos and Jay got a cake pop, we headed over to Anthropolgie for some shopping. Cake pops made shopping slightly more bearable for Jay! 

Whenever we were just hanging out at the house, Jay did his best to convince my dad, Papa, to take him outside to play. This trip doing wall balls was the preferred method of play. He sees us crossfitting at the gym and does whatever he can to imitate us. Papa Fish was always happy to oblige! 

It was awesome to watch they guys spend time together as well... and pretty soon our family will expand to add one more, Lolly's fiance, Jon. We got to surprise Lolly in Bartlesville, where she works at the beginning of the week, and Jon took all of us out to lunch at Frank and Lola's. It was pretty delicious! Later in the week, Jack, Chris, and Dad went to the gun range. I love that they love hanging out! 

Jay was thrilled to hunt for eggs on Sunday, but probably loved playing with Daisy even more! Daisy is my childhood-into-adulthood-lifetime-best-friend's daughter. It was surreal to watch our kids play together. So special. He kept telling her to, "watchis." (translated to mean, watch this.) 

Easter at my parent's house has always been one of my favorite things in the world! Our close friends and family come over after church to eat, visit, hunt or hide eggs, and of course, participate in the egg conking contest! It's wonderful to get to celebrate the Resurrection with such a fun group! Although, it is sometimes bittersweet because my dad's mom used to be a very central part of the day before she passed away. I wish so much that she could have met Jay and Eleanore. 

Spending time with the most precious girl in the world, doing her bedtime routine, seeing her smile, and snuggling her close brought the week to a close. The feel of her cheeks and smell of her skin is magical, really. 

After the first few days at home, I'm adjusting, yet again, to the ache that resides in my heart as a result of living away from my family. I love Florida, and it is definitely where we are supposed to be. However, when Jay woke up from his nap looking for Auntie Alli to snuggle it broke my hear a little bit. 

When I laugh out loud at memories from our sib date at Doc's Wine and Food while I was in Tulsa, I have to fight back tears. My family, they are so much a part of who I am, and they are also a part of who Jay is becoming. Being intentional with family relationships definitely takes effort, but getting to be together is priceless. Looking forward to the next time already! 

Do you live close to your family? If not, how often do you guys get to see each other, and how do you handle the distance? Hope your Easter was wonderful and that your spring is shaping up to be amazing! 

XO, The Attic

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